I have, or should I say had, an angel baby (7.5 months old) until I tried to implement EASY with him two days ago. He was the happiest little thing around and slept from 6 to about 4 or 5 am for a bottle and then went back to bed til 7 am. I thought he was just waking out of habit for his bottle so my husband and I have been trying to break him of his early morning bottle for the past two days. He also would take 2 naps a day, but they were at different times. My husband works from home so we don't have to do daycare so we were trying to get him on a nap routine.
He used to laugh and smile ALL the time. Now he cries. I tried putting him down for a nap today because he looked like he was getting sleepy, and his morning nap was short (20 min), and he SCREAMED for 45 minutes. I did pu/pd and all it did was make him mad. After 45 min, I took him from his room and went downstairs where he started playing and laughing again. But, then as he was playing on the floor he fell asleep.
So, maybe my baby doesn't really need a set nap schedule. What do you all think?