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Offline Goldmum

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No more lunchtime nap
« on: January 08, 2007, 12:08:54 pm »
I'm not sure what to do about my spirited daughter's lunchtime nap. She's 22 months old and until recently, she'd happily sleep for around 1.5-2 hours after her lunch. Now she'll go to bed fine, but after about 10 minutes she'll call out "no sleeping" and that's it! She then wants to be up. I wouldn't mind, but she still really needs the sleep and is a complete grouch by the end of the day. She'll also happily fall asleep in the car or in the buggy if we're out for a walk in the early afternoon. That's not always practical though in the cold, damp winter months. Any suggestions? Walk in, walk out just makes her mad!

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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2007, 13:06:40 pm »
My DS has always fought at nap times. I had another go this Saturday at having him sleep in his crib but no sale  >:( In winter, either DH pulls the car seat and its occupant in the house or the pram goes in the house with us, or if it's warm enough, I stay in the car with DS with a book and a sheepskin blanket over him. How pathetic is that ?  ::)

Is there any chance of convincing your spirited DS to have quiet time in her room with toys and/or books instead of a sleep ? At least Mummy could still have a break  ;)

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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2007, 13:10:43 pm »
How old is she?  We left ds's one-year ticker up forever, so I'm thinking you have done the same thing and she is a bit older if she's getting close to dropping her nap (we're talking she''s not sleeping for her only nap, right?  she is already past the point of taking 2 naps a day?)

What's the rest of your routine like?

Offline mollymoocat

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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2007, 13:18:24 pm »
I have exactly the same problem.  My spirited daughter started refusing her naps too at the same age.  She will be 2 next week so this has been going on for a couple of months now.  She also needs her sleep but refuses to go to her cot for a nap.  She will go to bed at nightime and falls asleep the minute I put her in the car etc.

All I can assume is that this is part of her develpment.  I can't force her to have a nap.  Sometimes she will fall asleep on the sofa but only for about 30mins.  She has started with the 'terrible two's' also and having regular tantrums.  She is very spitited, willful and stubborn and I think at this age it is about her not wanting to miss out on anything and is experimenting with her independance.  She goes to daycare twice a week and will nap for them so it is so frustrating when she won't nap at home.  I can't get anything done during the day either because she is constantly demanding attemtion etc.

I am sorry I can't offer any advice but at least you know you're not alone.  I hope you have more luck than me, it feels like other people on this board have managed to overcome this problem so hopefully you will.


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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2007, 15:16:37 pm »
My 29 month old spirited dd didn't nap for me last w/e but some improvement this w/e where she napped but only for 45 minutes to an hour.

My dd did the same thing--shouting "out!" as soon as I left the room.  Last w/e I left her in the crib ( she was being rambunctious but not crying) to send the message that even if she chose not to sleep was wasn't getting what she wanted--more A time.  This w/e when I put her in the crib she started crying.  I did walk in/walk out but like with your dd it just made her mad.  So I stood at the crib side and held her in a tight hug while  she was crying but would go like a wet noodle (but still holding her) the minute she tried to climb up me or out of the crib.  I told her that I would lay on the floor but out of sight which I did and she was soon fast asleep.  The next day I was able to put her in and leave and she slept for 1 hour.

A couple of things which I think help her when she goes down with her nanny is that the nanny will tell her it's nap time but then wait until my dd starts to go upstairs on her own.  You know what they say about spirited lo's and transitions, so this really works for my dd.  The other thing that helps is getting her in early because if she resists and then doesn't calm down unti after her normal sleep time that's it--we've missed the window, and there is no way she is going down.  So maybe try a slightly earlier time and letting her have some time to adjust to going up for her nap and maybe that will help.

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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2007, 16:36:11 pm »
Wish I had a solution but lately my 17-month old DD is doing the same. She used to be a great napper but about 2 weeks ago started to totally boycott naps unless in stroller. There she will fall asleep within 2 minutes and then I can transfer her into her crib (she half wakes at the transfer) for 1.5-2.5 hours. It's quite annoying but nothing else is working - WI/WO only makes things worse for us, staying in the room with her makes her think it's play time. So I keep  trying in the crib and give up after a certain amount of time and go in the stroller so she can get some rest (she's exhausted and rubbing her eyes) and I can get some sanity and work done. I think it's related to development stuff (she's learnign so much and can't turn herself off) and also related to teeth but not really sure. Quite annoying though.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Goldmum

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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2007, 12:39:15 pm »
It's good to know I'm not alone! I managed to get a result (of sorts!) yesterday. When DD refused to sleep in her cot, I told her it was time to rest - either in her cot or on the big bed with mummy. She chose the big bed and then of course tried to start playing, asking for books, TV etc. I stood my ground and she screamed blue murder for about 5 minutes and then literally just crashed out - she lay down and was asleep within about 5 seconds!
Good idea on trying to start the whole process earlier... she does take a bit more time to get used to the idea.
If it helps with any more ideas, the rest of our day looks something like this.
Wake up sometime between 7-7.30am
Morning - play group or other activity like shopping, chores
Home around 11.30, quiet play before lunch
12 Lunch
12.30-1 Try to start a nap! Usually walking around the block by 1-1.30
Afternoon - usually at home, occasional outing
5.30pm Dinner
6.30pm Start of bath and wind down for bed.
7.30pm Bed

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Re: No more lunchtime nap
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2007, 14:02:17 pm »
We'll see what today brings but I did get a 2 hour 10 minute crib nap out of DD yesterday - she refused at 11:30 but at 12 went in OK and was asleep by 12:10 or so. Hoping it continues - or at least half the time!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01