Just wanted to say that Ive been there/am there!! Am in the middle of 'sleep training' at the mo, my lo is 28 months, he has been rocked to sleep for the last 6 months and has also been sleeping in our bed for the last 6 months!! Starts off in his bed after being rocke to sleep then climbs in with us at un earthly hours!!! Last night was night 4 and we almost cracked it!!! So looking forward to see what tonight brings!!
Harvey has around 12 hours sleep in 24 hours, think this probably could be extended but he's little un settled at the mo, is getting up quite early for the day consiering his betime, he used to be in our bed so would sleep in but not for the last 4 days! He's been up at half 6/7 and going to bed at 8.30.
I would say 3 hours is too much, 2 hours is good! If you feel able to wake after abit less I would and you may get an earlier bedtime as a result. Its amazing how a little tweak can effect nightwakings. Its worth a try to see if it makes any difference. Ive been keeping a log for 5 days now and its really interesting to see how long he sleeps, when he wakes etc! One day he had a 10 minute nap an slept less at night than any of the other nights! So this may help, a simple chart with daytime sleep, what time bedtime was an when she woke. You may see a pattern develop!
Good luck and keep posting!!