Help! I used to have the best napper ever. From about 5 months til now (10-11months old) my DS was on a perfect 4 hour EASY. I loved the 2 two hour naps. Now all hell is breaking loose. And it's been going on for a month. I tried to make his activity time longer, but he still won't nap for the right amount of time. I feel like I can't read him, he seems tired but won't nap. I have no idea what to do. How long should he sleep?? When do I move to just one nap? He can't seem to nap for longer then 45min -75min at a time. If he has a good morning nap he doesn't want to sleep at all in the afternoon. It often takes me 30-40min to get him to settle, I have to keep putting him back down and giving him back his blankie which he throws over the edge. Here are all of his recent changes: He started crawling last month, can now move from lying down to sitting up and pulls self up to stand. Just got 2 top eye teeth. I weaned over the last month and he is no longer breast fed. He also seems to be on the cusp between puree food and fingerfoods. I offer a little of both. He takes his homo milk well from a sippy cup and generally eats well. This is our routine:
7am wake up
730 breakfast milk, cereal, fruit
915 small snack (Cheerios, milk)
930 nap (often not asleep til 10 am,awake at 1030, sometimes goes til 11am)
1130 lunch finger foods and milk
145pm snack milk and banana, or cheese, or cookie
2pm nap up by 315, I want him to nap til 4pm
4pm snack
5-6pm sometimes stroller walk if naps have been bad, will cat nap
6pm supper with milk
630 pm bath
7pm bed sleeps well at night