Hello all- Until 2 months ago I nursed my then 15 mo old spirited DD to sleep and on every (several per night) re awakening. After much thought and consulting with the great gals on this board I finally "night weaned" her using sort of gradual withdrawl-PU/PD. After a few days she was sleeping through the night 7.30-6.30. This went on for about a month then she started waking up earlier and earlier. I did not change her nursing to sleep for naps yet. Now she nurses constantly- if detached, wakes instantly and never really falls asleep. I think she's ready to change to one nap, but waking at 5 am she's not making it to noon. So, I need help with the .......... UH OH. just woke up calling mamma mamma 1 hr after going to sleep- something she hasn't done in a while- only this week when DH was out of town...... anyway- I need help the early wakings, nap transistion, and how to stop nursing to sleep for nap. She has been having molars coming in. I know it's all related, but not sure where to start or how to sort it all out. Should I for example- do PU/PD for early wake up (something I've done- she sort of goes back to sleep for about an hour- but I cannot leave her side or she wakes), the try to keep her awake til after lunch, then do gradual withdrawl or something to get her to sleep on her own for the nap? Thanks