Author Topic: Other moms with 16 weeks los... short naps and moving to 4 hour schedules  (Read 788 times)

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Offline bheemeryck

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I am looking for some advice about naps for my dd, she is 16 weeks old and we are working on transitioning her to a 4 hour schedule. She is doing pretty well at night, but we are having a heck of a time with 45 minute naps, and I'm thinking her A times might need a little tweaking to help with this. Our current routine looks something like this:

7:00 am wake
7:30 am feed and activity
8:30 nap 1(start winddown at 8:15)
9:15 awake, try to do PUPD to get her back to sleep.... sometime it works after 30 minutes, sometimes we go until 10:30...
10:30 feed
11:00 activity
12:00 nap 2
12:45 awake, again do PUPD, usually et her back to sleep within 30 minutes
2:00 wake and feed
2:30 activity
3:30 catnap sometimes she'll only sleep 30 minutes... if she is awake by 4:00 I will feed and put her down for another catnap at 5:30 and to bed at 7:30, if she sleeps until 4:30 we get her to bed between 6:30 and 7:00.
Dreamfeed at 10:00 and sometimes a night feed at 2:00 or sometimes she'll sleep through. Usually wakes at 5:30 and goesback to sleep.

Now this is pretty much a 3.5 hour schedule.... I'm wondering if we move her A times to 1.75 hours if it would help with her short napping or make it worse... What are others with los the same age doing right now? How did you know your lo was ready for 4 hours, can short naps be a sign? I'm hoping the short naps are just a phase, I remember my first lo doing this and I think he just outgrew it, but my memory is still not working properly!!
Mom to Alex(01-26-2005)

Offline macdee

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Hi there- My daughter is about same age as your lo and I've only recently transitioned her to the 4hr routine. It's only been a couple wks now and she's adjusted very well although like you, naps are an issue. Back to naps in a bit...

What I did was i slowly increased the timing of next feeds by 15 mins, starting from the 2nd morning feed, eg. instead of 10.30am, I moved the feed to 15 mins later. And I stuck to that for a few days before finally getting to 11am. When I moved the mid-morning feed, I'd keep the rest of the day at 3-3.5hrs so that she could adjust. However, if she wasn't taking a full feed at say 2.15pm, the next day I'd move that one by 15 mins increments until I reach my goal of 3pm. From there, I finally reached the 4hrs per feed and she now drains 6oz each feed (which seems to be around normal intake for baby this age).

The only variation to our 4hr routine is that the final feed of the day isn't at 7pm for us, at least most of the time. Because I bathe her a little earlier and give her some quiet time, I end up doing final feed by 6.15pm and then just put her straight down to bed. According to BW, it's ok in this case to feed to sleep as long as you don't do this for all your other feeds and make it a habit. This has worked very well for my lo although sometimes, she's much too tired, in which case, I put her down for an extra catnap even at 6 or even 6.15pm for only 1/2 hr and then get her up for the final feed. Either way, her night sleep has not been affected. Dreamfeed is about 11.30pm for her and she sleeps thru til about half 5am but wakes not out of hunger. W/ paci, she'll settle again and sleep til 6.30-7am.

As far as her activity time, it's been a real learning curve because she does get tired before the nap times as outlined in BW. Initially, I'd just keep her up for 1hr and 15mins and from there increase the awake time by another 15mins w/ quiet time, e.g. music, cuddles, soft toys etc. It's tough because to entertain a fussy sleepy child is no ride in the park! And of course, her naps do get affected. Depending on her moods, I will keep her up the extra 1.75hrs. But only now, I'm starting to trust that she will adjust herself because there are days when the 4hr routine works to the T.

Her naps are an issue for me now as she just can't get past the 45mins cycle and she ends up getting at least 2 catnaps before the next feed. In any case, I'm told that the 45mins naps are a common occurence for babies this age and eventually by about 5-6mths, everything should all come together. Only thing is, I want things to work perfectly yesterday!!

I hope this has helped a little to give some insights. Believe me, at your lo's current age, you'll be surprised how easy it is to make the transition. Let us know how things go!!

Offline bheemeryck

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Thank-you, it's nice to hear what other los the same age are doing!! I'm afraid I haven't been very consistent about getting up right at 7 am this weekend.... I sort of counted on her to wake me at 7-7:15 as she usually does, but we all slept in until 8:00 both days... sort of funny because by mid-afternoon she's back on her routine because of the short naps anyway!! I know we need to be consistent though... it's just so cosy in bed!

I think I'm going to keep her at 3.5 hours for a little while. I don't think we're ready to drop a feeding yet, she's still a little inconsistent about taking full feedings when she wakes up, but it's getting better. We tried to unswaddle one arm last night,and she was awake from 2-4 am.... I gave up and did the 'sausage roll' at 3:30. Guess we're still wrapping her up!! Anyway, thank-you again macdee, I'm sure we'll be back for more questions!!
Mom to Alex(01-26-2005)

Offline leahwlfe

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I have dd same age. She is 4 months and 2 weeks. She is doing the same thing. She will take 30-45 minute naps. It was a killer this weekend. I really wouldnt care but she was so cranky from being over tired. I too want to go to the four hour easy. Right now its about 3.5 or so. Her feeds are not consistent any where from 3-6  ounces. I think if she would feed good she would sleep better. Her night time sleep is wonderful. She goes down at 730 and sleeps until 6 or so. Just wanted to let you know Im here with ya. If you find anything that works let me know!  :)