Author Topic: Does this seem like overtired to you?  (Read 927 times)

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Does this seem like overtired to you?
« on: January 22, 2007, 13:22:35 pm »
Well DS had been sleeping really well for 10 days (prior to this...hell!) yesterday we were out for lunch so I put him down for an early nap 11.30- usually 12.30- 1ish and he slep just over 1.5hrs, after this we were out all afternoon so he didnt nap pm and went to bed at 7.30. He slept till 11ish then woke every hr till 7 :o
I had given ibruprofen so kno he wasnt in pain as didnt improve with pain med.
Today I was late out of work so didnt get him down for his nap till 1 and he woke after 45 mins and now keeps waking.

Any thoughts? In himself in the daytime hes 100% so i dont think its illness/pain related

Do u think its poss to get overtired from just 1 bad nap day?? And would this mess up night time SOOO badly?
TIA :-*

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Re: Does this seem like overtired to you?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 16:16:10 pm »
That's a tough one for me. However, 1 to 7:30 is a really long time. My ds is usually asleep between 7 and 7:30 and he is usually up fromhis nap at 2:30 to 3:00. I am stuck with the same problem but I also know that ds is teething and now has a cold. He is streaming from the nose and at nap and night time he rubs his mouth and shows me where the "ouch" is. THis is with medication. Sometimes it is really clear as goes right back to sleep after some teething gel. Other times not. Last night he was up 5+ times and early for the day. The thing is - he is happy as can be during the day. I have taken him out of his crib after he has woken early from a nap, is still tired and not fighting to get up, but unable to get back to sleep from discomfort. Once we get out of his room, he gets distracted by the exciting world and you wouldn't guess there was a problem.

On the other hand I have seen the overtiredness creep in very quickly and have found that it can be so hard to get back on track. I would definintely try for early naps and bedtime and see if that helps. You may also want to check for teeth. I know that teething for ds generally makes him restless, regardless of the pain and belly discomfort he has.
Mom to Kieran (10/15/2000); Aiden, (7/ 8/ 2005); and Samuel (7/10/2010)

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Re: Does this seem like overtired to you?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2007, 17:24:45 pm »
Sounds so like my little boy he sleeps from 1 till 3 but if you put him down before 12 a) he doesnt have 2 hours and b) he overtired at bedtime, doesnt settle as easy and wakes frquently through out the night! Also noone can get their head around the fact that if he sleeps less in the day he sleeps less at night! You can get away with putting him down at 12 but because hes at nursery till 12.45 3 days a week 1 works better, then sometimes 12 - 12.30 on the other days which works the same!!

So, yeah, I definately think you've hit the nail on the head!!  ;D

Offline yaya

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Re: Does this seem like overtired to you?
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2007, 18:07:25 pm »
I resettled him after 45 mins into his nap then again after 20 then after 10 then he slept till 4!!!! it seems to me as tho he was overtired and couldnt get the nap going, then when he did he clearly needed the sleep!
i find it so so hard to work out whats up! maybe  its teething as well, he has been for ages.
so hes been up since 4 and now its 7.20 and hes gonna come out the bath and into bed in  a mo, fingers crossed<!

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Re: Does this seem like overtired to you?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2007, 18:20:14 pm »
My dd would always have night wakings at that age if she went to bed any later than 5 to 5.5 hours after nap wakeup.  It seems some lo's are really prone to becoming overtired if they have too much A time after their nap.  Usually when that happens a day or two of a slightly earlier than normal nap time (ie, 30 minutes) coupled with a very early night (about an hour) gets my dd back on track in a day or two. HTH

Offline yaya

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Re: Does this seem like overtired to you?
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2007, 18:52:25 pm »
thanx for the tips, I tried my best to get him down early, he feel asleep about 7.45, guess thats good as he's only been up since 4! he was a bit fidgety and unsettled again tho..wish us luck!