Cool thanks Kelly and Mari !!! I will leave him be then as i dont want to disturb him just thought id better check with you BW angels!!
marissas mamma -The dr has put him on Losec. I had tried that once before but in liquid form and Jakob would
not under any circumstances take it.Zantac tastes bad but this was worse (i always try his medicine so i know what he goes through) anyhow this time it is in capsule form as the pharmacy said they dont do liquid now as it doesnt hold its worth for long that way. I have to break it open into a small amount of juice and hope he drinks it.
Im just thrilled the dr gave me something new.He said this is much better than Zantac, although up until recently Zantac did work fine for Jakob.
I went to my dad dr who i have known since i was a little girl.I wish i had gone to him first,save all this mucking around. He didnt doubt or put me off he simply agreed and said "lets get onto this right now"....YIPPPPPEEEE a dr who understands and listens to the mama!! (who of course knows best lol
Well we had 2 Nws last night. Each time i went in he was laying down and eyes closed.He isnt really awake, defintely sounding like bad dreams too along with the reflux problems.
He has had a urine test so we are waiting for the results.His ears were fine and other than a slight temp he was checked out and given all clear. If he has a urine infection it would explain alot..the dr said that could contribute to nightmares and his temp.
Not that i wish he does have an infection of course,
but its hard not to think, well if its that then he can take some antibiotics and then dreaded NWs will disappear!!
I just want my dream sleeper back......pwetty please sleep fairy
Better get back to packing, we move in a week........yuck i hate packing!!!
Take care