Author Topic: 17 months and lots of Night wakings.........desperate for any tips and support  (Read 9162 times)

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My daughter (15 mos.) still has bottles morning and night, even though her doctor keeps repeating that I need to get her off them (said I should have at 12 mos.). He said it is linked to cavities and can also cause ear infections (Annabel has never had one yet BTW, hope that didn't jinx it  ::). She drinks her bottles fairly quickly too (10 min. max) and we clean her teeth after, so I don't worry about it. I've tried several times to get her to drink her soy milk in a sippy but she takes a couple drinks then gives me a "yuck" face that says "sippys are for JUICE!" I also agree that at this point it's more important for her to get the milk than to worry about the bottles. I'll eventually have to cut them out, probably by 2 also.

Offline kirsty_167

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I know! Like when i stopped bf, i cried for about 2 weeks!
They are getting so big, imagine in a year (or 4!!!) we will be saying..."ooh remember when you would not sleep through the night, thought i was gonna go mad!"...As they come and bring me my medication  ;)


haha!!!  Hillarious Jo!!! Oh i do hope that actually happens lol (as in they sleep all night)

We seem to be in a cycle of 1 good night followed with 1 bad night  ::) Sat nite was good, no NW but last night was horrid again. He woke screaming at midnight and was hysterical at 6.45am.HMMM........... ::) Will we ever have a child who sleeps all night? i worry that Jakob will always be a poor sleeper (until teenage years anyway!!) My parents wont have him overnight while he is doing this so we get no time out booooo!! They are away for a month so i would love to have this sorted so we can get a night alone when they get back...

Whatever is happening im not liking it much, thankfully im finding Jakob so cute in the day that i can get over all of these NWs!! Like yesterday I was sitting on the floor and he went and got my shoes and put them on my feet.Then he went and got my bag and gave it to me, then put his arms out and said "car"....his way of saying "lets go out!!" It was adorable!!! LUCKY FOR HIM lol!!

Oh well better recharge my batteries and prepare for tonight.

Take care

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Kisdty, we are just the same!
Can't see any real reason why he doesn't sleep more often.
We too have in laws who won't have him GRRR.. I have not had a night away from him since he was born! Although I think if I did i would be so fretful i would not sleep.
Theo too is SOOO cute, that it kinda makes up for all the sleepless nights.

Hope tonight is a good one.
Jo x

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Theo too is SOOO cute, that it kinda makes up for all the sleepless nights.

I tell Alex 'you only get away with it because you're beautiful' and she says 'yeeeeaaaah' and she knows it!!!

Offline kirsty_167

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HI all

Well the nws continue...........booo!! But i have a question about bedtime. Jakob wont lay down when i put him in his crib.He sits back up not matter how many times i lay him down.he doesnt cry but just sits up and plays until he usually falls asleep (as i type i just heard him cry,which he doesnt do much now at bedtime,anway so i need to go) Just wondered what do i i leave him be when he wont lay down or do i have to stay in keep laying him down until he learns????

Thanks.....better go tend to Jakob

ps......took him to dr today and he has put him on new meds yippee!! Went to my dads doctor and he immediately said he would prescribe something new!! also Jake has a temp slightly so took a urine sample to check that.Well update soon


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what meds did they put him on?  hope they help!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline KellyC

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Hi Kirsty

Sorry the saga continues  :(  Jakob sounds very cute though, good job  ;)

Zander's usually sitting up when I leave him too and I let him be.

Kelly x
Mummy to Zander (2005), Nathaniel (2007) and Caleb (2009)

Offline mari

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Kirsty, if he isn't crying then I wouldn't go to him.  Alex  plays for ages at bedtime, then eventually lays down and goes to sleep.

Offline kirsty_167

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Cool thanks Kelly and Mari !!! I will leave him be then as i dont want to disturb him just thought id better check with you BW angels!! :-*

marissas mamma -The dr has put him on Losec. I had tried that once before but in liquid form and Jakob would not under any circumstances take it.Zantac tastes bad but this was worse (i always try his medicine so i know what he goes through) anyhow this time it is in capsule form as the pharmacy said they dont do liquid now as it doesnt hold its worth for long that way. I have to break it open into a small amount of juice and hope he drinks it.

Im just thrilled the dr gave me something new.He said this is much better than Zantac, although up until recently Zantac did work fine for Jakob.

I went to my dad dr who i have  known since i was a little girl.I wish i had gone to him first,save all this mucking around. He didnt doubt or put me off he simply agreed and said "lets get onto this right now"....YIPPPPPEEEE a dr who understands and listens to the mama!! (who of course knows best lol ;))

Well we had 2 Nws last night. Each time i went in he was laying down and eyes closed.He isnt really awake, defintely sounding like bad dreams too along with the reflux problems.

He has had a urine test so we are waiting for the results.His ears were fine and other than a slight temp he was checked out and given all clear. If he has a urine infection it would explain alot..the dr said that could contribute to nightmares and his temp.
Not that i wish he does have an infection of course,
but its hard not to think, well if its that then he can take some antibiotics and then dreaded NWs will disappear!! ::) I just want my dream sleeper back......pwetty please sleep fairy ;D

Better get back to packing, we move in a week........yuck i hate packing!!!

Take care

Offline KellyC

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I hope the new medicine does the trick.  I have a friend with a LO Zander's age and the LO was poorly a couple of weeks ago, though no real symptoms apart from a temperature and being out of sorts.  She had to take a urine sample (sounded very complicated!) and it turns out she had a urine infection which they were then able to treat and now she's fine.

K x
Mummy to Zander (2005), Nathaniel (2007) and Caleb (2009)