Hi, I could really use some help.
I am having problems with just about every aspect of my LOs sleep. We just got back from a trip to Australia and I think her little system is all out of whack from jetlag - on top of that she has hit several milestones.
Before our trip she was pretty good about putting herself to sleep and sleeping at night, going down at 7pm and waking at around midnight and 4am for food, before waking for the day at about 6:30am. Things started to slide on our trip because she had a hard time going to sleep (strange place?) and I had to nurse her before bed to get her to sleep. We have now been back for one week, she rarely puts herself to sleep without nursing (my fault, I know), she wakes up about 10 times throughout the night, and for several nights she has woken between 9pm and 10pm to play and hasn't gone back to sleep until midnight - 1am. When she wakes at night she will only go back to sleep if I feed her. Could this be a case of bad timing with jetlag and all her milestones coming at once? Any suggestions on how to fix it? She doesn't use a pacifier.
I am confident that I can remind her how to put herself to sleep using shh/pat, however I don't know where to start with the nightwakings.
How old is your child? Nearly 7 months
What’s his/her daily routine? Varies daily with the length of her naps. On a perfect day we start with BF upon waking, followed by solids an hour later, then a nap 1 hour after that.
What’s nap routine? Routine varies with the length of her naps (some only go for 30 mins, some for 2 hours)
How long are naps? 30 minutes to 2 hours
What's bedtime routine? Time? Bath at 6:30, cuddles, bed at 7pm
Do you bottle or breastfed?? BF
How much? or how long? Most of the time she will eat for 10 minutes, sometimes her last feeding goes about 20 mins.
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) One side.
How many wakes per night? Right now about 10
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? She doesn't seem to fully wake, acts desperate for food, is back in bed in 5 - 10 mins.
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry? Probably a mantra cry - kind of "eh eh eh eh eh eh"
What have you tried to settle?? Feeding mostly. Shh/pat starts her crying.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? A time is usually 2.5 - 3 hrs. It varies between activities (exersaucer, play mat etc), walk in the pram, tummy time, quiet time in her bouncer.
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? Teething, sitting up on her own, rolling over, eating solids.
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months) Yes, once a day at breakfast, usually 3-5 teaspoons.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? Me.
Do they have a lovie? No.
Any help I can get is appreciated...