Author Topic: 2 Year old not sleeping  (Read 733 times)

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2 Year old not sleeping
« on: January 29, 2007, 02:30:50 am »
First time I've posted. We've used babywhisperer stuff with or oldest (and now with our youngest) since around 8wks. Our ds is now 25 months and all of a sudden he won't sleep. We just moved into a new house Dec 15 and he spent three weeks with his Baba while we were moving (and for christmas) we were with him for about two of those weeks and him and his brother were with Baba alone for one. He's always played for about 30 minutes before falling asleep and it seems that he has taken this to a whole new level. He comes up with any excuse for us to come back into the room. Now he just screams and calls for us until we come back in. When we come in he settles and sometimes he will laugh and play. When we do WI/WO he opens the door. We put him back to bed and he finds the whole thing HILARIOUS!! Last week he started waking at night and yelling for one of us to come in. We go in and set a timer and sit by his bed. Last night he woke up at midnight and literally spent 2 hours throwing a temper tantrum. He screamed most of the time even though I stayed right with him the whole time. I'm very frustrated and have no idea what to do when your ds thinks its funny when you do PD or WI/WO. We've taken to placing a gate across his door to keep him in his room. HELP!

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Re: 2 Year old not sleeping
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 10:02:37 am »
If he is laughing, then I wouldn't go to him.  It's when he cries that you need to help him, and I think that you should do walk in walk out then. 
He is probably still a bit unsettled about the house move.  How long as he been in a bed?  Is his bedroom verry different from his old one, I mean the decor?
TBH I have never had much luck with pd, it upsets Alex, but I have had success with walk in walk out.  Firstly though I think that you should ensure that he is comfortable in his room.
Play in there in the daytime and perhaps have your stories and quiet time there.  Does he still take a nap, and does he take it in his room?
Sorry to have so many questions but I am trying to work out what and when certain changes were made.