Author Topic: My 12 hr sleeper, waking and not settling for 1 1/2hrs  (Read 1017 times)

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My 12 hr sleeper, waking and not settling for 1 1/2hrs
« on: January 30, 2007, 08:16:04 am »
How does transitional period relate to night wakings?
I am confused!
I trained my now 8 mo to sleep through the night between 3.5 and 4.5 months. I used pu pd method, offered df, etc. and eventually had a wonderful sleeper, and a great life!!! Although occasionally she would shout, not cry, and just want her dummy. I would go in give it to her and walk immediately out with total sucess.
NOW, for the last few nights, woken up, but at totally different times each night.
She wakes up, as she would do for her dummy, I give it to her but she throws it, sometimes immediately, out of her cot. Sometimes it works but 20mins later she wakes again.
This goes on for 1 1/2 hours. I gave her sugar free calpol last night and bonjela and a drink of water and it didn't work. The only thing that eventually worked was a couple of sucks of a ff.
Is she trying her luck? She is very tired when it is going on.
It's not tummy pains, it doesn't seem to be teething, she's not hungry?
She drinks 24 oz /day. sips water throughout, and eats her breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Can you help? I am afraid of causing bad habits.

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Re: My 12 hr sleeper, waking and not settling for 1 1/2hrs
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 18:25:10 pm »
Could you post your current EASY sch?  Sometimes it's just a matter of a little change here or there. 
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