isaac has been in/on a routine pretty much since he was born, his day is like this:
up at 7am,
breakfast at 7:15, solids followed by milk about half hour after
some activity, then we start wind down for nap at 9am
(today i've been trying since 8:40 for nap when he fisrt showed signs of sleep, its now 9:30 and after much eye rubbing and grumps, he is still in the cot gurgling, but not crying)
30/40 mins after going down he is awake.
i then try putting a dummy in just as he wakes and stroking the top of his head, but he seems to be wide awake, this will go on for over half an hour.
11am milk feed
12:15 sometimes naps
1pm lunch, solids
2pm cat nap,same as morning
3:30 milk feed
5pm tea solids
by now he is really grumpy!!!!
6:30pm bathtime, he likes this
7pm, milk and bed
he normally wakes once a night normally a different time for feed then up at 7am
He will self settle at night and goes down a wake, but not in the day.
Sorry if this is long winded, but thank you so much for the help