My LO has really a hard time napping. It seems that only the stroller soothes him enough for him to go to sleep. For the morning nap, I put him down at his first yawn, usually about an hour after being awake (8:30/9:00am). The afternoon nap is usually around 1pm. He is almost 5MO and really fights the naps. When I can finally get him to sleep, it takes about 1 hour... Other dilemma, he never fell asleep for his naps in his crib, always in our bed. I tried to use the same nap routine for a month and put him down in his own crib, but it never worked. Since then, I changed it to our bed and after trying hard, he usually falls asleep for an hour.
He usually has a short catnap at around 11:30am and then his usual afternoon nap at 1pm. He is then tired, but again, he will fight the nap. I have been using the stroller as he falls asleep quite easily and I can put him in a flat position. In the stroller, he relaxes immediately. I would love to have him sleep in his crib and at regular times. I am spending lots of energy trying to install this routine, but it is really hard and I'm starting to be really tired to spend my days fighting with him instead of enjoying him.
Here is our routine:
7:00/8:00 am wake-up (after a 12/13 hours night sleep broken up by 2 to 3 wakings ->bf)
Activity for an hour, first yawn -> nap 8:30/9:00 (fights it, but will usually end up falling asleep)
Activity until next feed four hours after the first morning feed. (Might have a catnap at about 11:30 for 20-30 min.).
1:00pm back down for 2nd nap (Again, fights it, and if we win, won't sleep longer than 1 hour max). Right after he woke up, tried to have him sleep long, if doesn't work, go for a walk in stroller and falls right back to sleep).
4:00pm Eat and activity time till 6pm when we start our bedtime routine. Sleeping by 6:30/7:00pm
11:00pm wakes up for feed - 3am wakes up for feed + sometimes an early morning feed, but not regular, it usually depends when he woke up in the night)
I am bf, but have just starting to introduce a bottle of formula. The bottle replaces one of the bf meal, is that right, or shall I add this bottle to try to fill him up? And when is the best time to introduce this bottle?
My questions: since he takes so long to fall asleep, am I putting him down too early or too late? He seems to have a very short window... The shh/pad never worked with him and as for the W2S, it's hard to do since he never takes the same length naps. It can go anywhere from 30min to 1.5h.
He falls asleep very easily in the evening and in his own crib.
Any suggestion? I am about to give up and just let it be and enjoy him, but I know he needs his sleep. He just wants our attention and play... and when it's nap time, we just don't give it to him.
Thank you!