Author Topic: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps  (Read 2652 times)

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Offline Sarahboosmom

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5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« on: February 25, 2007, 15:10:33 pm »
Hello ladies, I'm hoping you can reassure me that I'm on the right track.

My dd will be 5 months old in two days.  At the 4 1/2 month mark she learned to roll from back to tummy (she's been able to roll tummy to back since one month old!).  She also got two bottom teeth at the 4 month mark.  Needless to say it has been a HARD month for us!  I think that DH and I may have added some accidental parenting do to extra cuddling etc.  We did EASY from DAY ONE.  Got off track in month 2 and found it was reflux (EASY helped us make a quick diagnosis).  After getting treated for that properly (medication and thickening formula with cereal) she started sleeping through the night from 7:30 pm to 7 am (I actually had to wake her up!) and no DF!  It has been great!  Now she is only taking 45 minute naps. 

She was such a good napper, taking 2.5 hour naps, twice plus another 1.5 hour nap in the late evening before the last feed.  She always seemed to need all that sleep in addition to the 11.5 of uninterrupted sleep at night.  Now its a complete 180!  I'm afraid that our extra attention during her teething 4 weeks ago has established a pattern.  When she was teething she would wake up SCREAMING from her nap.  We would go in and at first we didn't know what was wrong, a trip to the Dr confirmed that she was teething at 4 months.  So we treated her with Tylenol, ora gel (she hates that), and an ice cube in a washcloth (she could not master getting a teething ring in her mouth just yet at that young age).  And of course lots of extra cuddles from mom and dad.  Well she popped two teeth through and then seems to get back on track.  Then she started to roll over, then everything went haywire.

She doesn't roll in her crib (on occasion but doesn't wake her up) she just takes 45 min naps.


E - 7 am (she now coos at 6:50 in the morning, I still don't get her until 7 am) all smiles
A - 7:30 - 8:30 (at home) 8 - 9:15 am (at sitters during the week, more kids to play with)
S - 8:30 (at home) 9:30 at sitters.  Either way it is only 45 minutes now at our house and the sitters
A - At home 9:30 until she eats, sitters I don't really know but I do know the first nap is 45 min
E - 11:30 or Noon (she has no interest in eating before then)
A - Noon - 1:30
S - 1:30 - 2:15 45 min at home recently, the sitter says this is her longest nap, could last until 2:30 (not sure when she goes to sleep before that)
E - 3:30 (no interest in eating before then)
A - 4 - 4:30 she is in meltdown mode
S - 5 pm - 6: 30 (because we pick her up at 4:30 we don't get home until 5 and its right to bed) lately this has turned into 45 minutes
E - 6:45 medicine and bottle
A - 7 - 7:30, pjs, book
S - 7:30 - settles right to sleep and will sleep until 7 am

Before the naps in the morning and afternoon were 2.5 hours each.  Now she wakes up crying and cranky at the 45 minute mark.  Yesterday she took a good morning nap for 1.5 hours and woke up cooing and talking to herself.  Oh also, before with the long naps I always had to wake her up for a feed, she NEVER woke up on her own. 

Changes, as I mentioned, rolling over, two teeth and the sitter just started watching a newborn so now she has more kids to watch.  Obviously she cannot do PU/PD with her and when she does cry from her nap she just goes in, picks her up and brings her out to play.  Now Sarah will stay up and play as long as you entertain her.  So its possible that she is really overstimulated. 

Yesterday was TERRIBLE, she took at good 1.5 hour nap in the morning, but the rest of the day was all over the place.  Lots of fussing and crying.  She seems to need alot of attention when playing.  She will screach at the top of her lungs (not crying, high pitched cooing) while she plays then you come over and she smiles and laughs.  It is very annoying!  Before she could entertain herself for a good 1.5 hours all by herself so I could get stuff done.  Now she constantly needs attention.  I think that maybe there is over stimulation because what else has changed is her interest in playing with toys.  So I've been putting her under her play gym for the full hour.

Okay enough rambling, here is my plan after consulting these boards and Tracy's books:

Extend her naps using WTS or PU/PD (I tried WTS this morning and so far she's been asleep for an hour!!!!  woo hoo!)
Refine the activities, reduce overstimulation
Define a wind down nap routine.  I've never had or needed one, but now that she is more alert I think she needs something predictable and some time to slow down from playing.  If she is tired lately she is so keyed up and even though she is clearly tired she is still flailing her arms and laughing and squealing in your arms as you put her down. 
After naps are tackled slowly work to extend her awake time in 10-15 minute increments.

I only have two days with her to do this before she goes back to the sitters.  I've given her all this information but with 5 other kids to watch I know she won't be able to do it. 

Well I'm sorry this was so long but I need some reassurance.  I know the method works and I'm not going to let some set backs get us off track!  The good thing is her nighttime sleep is not being affected but I don't want this daytime stuff to last so long that her nighttime sleep is taken off track too!



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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 22:10:11 pm »
I'm sorry! I have nothing to offer but sympathy...I was going to post something similar. My DD is now 5.5 months and suddenly has started catnaping too!
She sleeps from 7:00pm to 6:45am give or take with a feed around 5am.

So strange that suddenly her 1.5 hour naps are now 30-40mins! Her night times haven't changed! Is it okay? Is she doing what she needs?

Again I'm sympathizing with you!

Offline Sarahboosmom

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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2007, 03:58:54 am »
Okay so an update.  I made her activity low key and watched her cues. 

E: She woke up at 7 am all happy.  I fed her
A: 7:20 - 8;15 she was yawning and getting cranky.  I put her down for a nap. 
S: 8:20 - 10 She went right to sleep for 2 hours.  I used W2S here, it worked!
A: 10 - 10:45 am
E: 10:45 am, so I fed her, she ate WAY more than normal 7 oz and a serving of veggies. 
A: 11 - 11:50
S: 11:50 - 1:30 Woke up happy
A: 1:30 -2:15 cranky and yawning
E 2:30
S: 3 pm - 4 Pm
A: 4 pm - 6:30 woke up crying hysterically.  I tried PU/PD (first time) until 4:45 pm  She was okay at this time playing by herself while we ate dinner not even cranky, but lots of yawning.
E: 6:30 pm
S: 7 pm - 30 earlier than normal

I'm not sure what is going on.  She is eating alot, I give her as much as she will take.  She seems to be teething but not in any kind of bad pain or anything.  This is really off of our normal schedule.  It seems to me that she still needs about 2 hour naps?  I only say that because her first nap was 2 hours and she was happy and playing the whole time.  She did eat earlier than normal but that is okay.  But the next nap at 1.5 hours she was happy but quickly got cranky!?!  Then it all went down hill from there.  She was sleeping at 3 pm instead that is when she should be eating and waking up.  She has been on 4 hr EASY for over a month now with no issues, so I'm not sure what is up. 

But her nighttime sleep is okay, no issues there but I fear that as she becomes more and more overtired during the day it will affect her nighttime sleep soon!

Offline kristin378

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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2007, 18:47:59 pm »
my son is 5 months old and has just been learned how to sleep w/o being swaddled.  he sleeps through the night (around 8 pm - 6/6:30 am) w/o and feedings and seldom wakes up during the night.  he goes down for naps very easily but won't sleep for longer than 35-45 minutes now.  it throws off his whole day and we no longer have an EASY routine.  i don't know what to do.

PU/PD has not worked with him at all.  i tried it over and over and over for hours when we were weaning him from swaddling, and all it did was make him more upset.  WTS seems like it's just going to start another prop or routine that will end up disrupting a "longer nap".  i am willing to try it as a last resort but i am anxious about that since pu/pd was a terribly painful and upsetting experience for both baby and myself.
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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2007, 20:21:38 pm »
PU/PD did not work for my daughter either....made her absolutely IRATE! But I've found that the W2S has worked, kinda. Our EASY has been thrown out the window too. I'm trying to get her back on track. This morning I did W2S at the 1/2 hour mark and she slept another 20 mins...totally 50 mins for her morning nap. Her mid-day nap was 2 hours (I did a W2S at the 1 hour mark)...Hopefully she will have another nap this late afternoon, we'll see. This is our first day giving the W2S a really shot (she's 5.5 months by the way). I'm really trying to turn these 3 naps into 2 really good ones.

sarahboosmom...I'm glad to hear this is working for you. I only read your post last night and though I'd give this a real go today! Thanks for posting your successes, and different behavior on her part. It makes me realize that I'm not the only one!

Offline Sarahboosmom

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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2007, 01:53:31 am »
Hello again.

Okay so here is what I think it going on.  She recently developed this wake up at 6 am cooing and playing in her crib.  She will go back to sleep but just at 7 ams so that is an hour of awake time.  Then I come in and wake her up just as she is falling asleep.  Most times she looks dazed and confused.  I used to have to wake her up at 7 am myself.  So she usually yawns and acts tired at 8 am and this is where our whole schedule gets off track from there.  So I'm pretty sure that I'm dealing with an overtired child. 

The past week she's gotten better with her afternoon naps, she will however, wake up, play and coo for 20 minutes then go back to sleep.  I'll take two broken up 45 minute naps with no crying for now! 

So here is my strategy:

The past few days I've been putting her to bed at 6:30 instead of 7:30.  She still woke up at 6 am but her length of time awake was shorter but still throwing off her naps.  This afternoon I put black poster board in her windows to make it darker, this helped her take one good 1.5 nap.  Since daylight savings is only a week away I will give in to her 6 am wake up since in a week it will become 7 am anyway.  My schedule will be one hour earlier but if she wakes up at 6 am and eats, then she'll be ready by 8 am for a nap.  Then sleep for 1.5 hours, hopefully all together because she will not be overtired.  Then we'll just go from there on our 4 hour EASY. 

I'll let you know how it goes.  I have had some W2S success and other times I came in too late and woke her up in the middle of her active sleep, OOPS! 

I also think that she is overstimulated too.  Many times I've caught her quietly playing in her crib with the crib mirror and toys so I removed those this afternoon and that was our good nap for the day.

If anyone else has the same issues and has a solution or let me know if I'm on the right track! 


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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 02:02:10 am »
well I am at a the last two days it's all gone down hill...w2s doesn't work anymore...she's up and down all night...But I never thought about the crib being overstimulating...hmmmmm you might have something there.

LOVE the idea on how to deal with daylight savings! Great plan...

Thanks for the thought provoking ideas!

Glad to hear things are looking up!

Offline Sarahboosmom

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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2007, 21:18:35 pm »
I'm a terrible mother!

Okay so here I was thinking that this was a sleep issue.  This weekend it became VERY clear what was up.  On Friday the sitter told me that Sarah cried each time that she layed her down.  Very odd for Sarah.  This whole thing was odd.  So we watched her all weekend and she started to cry while she played etc.  I thought she was just so overtired and overstimulated because she has not napped. Well her nights got worse too.  Absolute SCREAMING from her every hour.  I finally called the Dr and she met us Sunday in the lobby of the emergency room and Sarah has a DOUBLE ear infection!  OMG!  :o   

I feel so awful for not taking her in earlier!  But now on the second day of meds she is napping well and slept through the night last night and did not cry when I put her down to sleep!  I feel so bad though because I was doing PU/PD on her and I know that her little ears must have been murder on her!  She was so happy this morning!  She has been such a good baby since we did BW on her since birth basically so this was so odd, but I just thought that at the 5 month mark they test the waters, or want to stay up with you etc.  I truely thought that this was some type of overtiredness or separation anxiety!  I'm such a bad mommy!  Somewhere inside of me I kept thinking something was wrong but you can't run to the Dr everytime you child decides not to nap you know!  Oh well she's as happy as can be and sleeping well again.  This is where the schedule comes into play, something must be up if they go off of it.  She is such a happy baby too and even though she was in pain she still smiled for you and cooed (as long as she was upright).  Oh too, she fell asleep in her car seat.  She has not done that since she was 2 weeks old!  She loves sleeping in her crib so that was REALLY odd.

I'm sorry if that doesn't help you fellow posters!  I would like to help though if you still have issues.

I did though remove all the stimulation from her and that seemed to help prepare her for her naps, she was ready but it just hurt her little ears to lay down. 

If I remember correctly the first time that Sarah tried to go against the schedule we did take away all toys, videos, and crib toys and just played in her room with the lights down low for about two days and she got back on track.  She's a spirited LO so she is easily overstimulated.  Let me know if you still need help!  Oh, and W2S does not work on a sick baby, it only wakes them up to the pain!

I am so glad she's not in pain anymore!

Sad Saraboosmom  :'(


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Re: 5 month old - suddenly shorter naps
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2007, 21:27:12 pm »
Oh dear me....poor baby girl... But really you are NOT a bad mom! You are not a doctor and it's troubleshooting as you go. I have an older DS and he's never had an ear infection, so if it had been me in your shoes I would have done the exact same thing. I wouldn't have known at all! Everyday (and every child) is a learning experience.

Console yourself with the fact that she is a happy child and that you were there with her during her aches and pains. I'm so happy to hear that she is better.

I have being doing shh/pat (-shh) with my DD for the past week and we've been extending naps. Her nights are slowly getting better, we have on avg 2-3 nw's now...I've also bitten the bullet and decided to wean her soother from her. Day 1 of that. I think that may be contributing to her NW's too! Searching for the bloody thing!

I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, but I'm so relieved for you that you've gotten to the bottom of it all! Big hugs
