Its great to hear all your advice and i appreciate the support (and hugs!) , i have been reading through other posts now too and the board is great, its also wonderful to find out your not alone!!
Sylvan's schedule
6:45-7am- Wake up, 7 oz milk, bottle. Get's changed by dad and brought down for breakfast, plays
7:45-8:15- Eats breakfast, oat porridge, toast and drink
8.15-9.15- Plays, soils nappy, gets changed, storytime
9.15-9.30 Settles for morning nap (Is it time to start cutting this nap??)
10.30- 11.30 Wakes, plays, snack(sometimes includes milk, he seems to be dropping these feeds as he tends to throw the bottle away!) at 11.30, plays some more/ go out . I must honestly ass that if i fall asleep here myself, we could both sleep til 11.30 happily.. eek!
11.30-1 Activity
1.00 -1.40 Lunch, Eats heartily
1.40-2.30 Activity including lots of whinging as he gets tired, i try and stretch him a little here to last til three
3.00-4.30 A very 'fast asleep, nothing will budge me' nap
4.30 5.30 Plays has a small snack (sometimes 3 oz milk included,) and gets ready for dinner, or go out shopping or to meet dad
6.00 Dinner, usually a bit lighter than lunch
7.00 Bath, bottle, wind down, sleep by 8
11 Wakes, but seems less inclined to be taking the feed of 8 oz now, just a few sips and rolls over to sleep. I think i should read his cues here and water it down or just cut it out. He will barely drink an ounce now...
Then wakes frequently through the night. We are not giving him milk any more, he cried a lot last night and rubbed his ear like crazy, he has a head cold so i gave him the dreaded otc med that DH hates so much (!? 'Are we poisening him?')
The child slept til wake up time thereafter- i honestly now think this waking is pain related as well as habit.
So would i be right in maybe editing his naps a bit, trying to cut the DF and being consistent with what we are doing at night.. ??
Thanks for your opinions and time!
xx ruth