Author Topic: transitioning to solids (multiple ?s)  (Read 887 times)

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transitioning to solids (multiple ?s)
« on: March 15, 2007, 00:30:45 am »
My daughter is 5 months, and by the recommendation of my ped, he wants her on solids.  In fact, he wanted her on solids a month ago, but I just didn't think she was ready.  My question is do you successfully start introducing solids?  This is what I have done so far.  I feed her her bottle at the normal 7am.  At 8 I make tsp of rice cereal with formula (soupy consistency) and spoon feed.  When she loses interest or starts to whin, I stop.  Where do I go from here?  Do I just wait until she is downing the full teaspoon and move to lunch? She has definately been spitting up more.  I think that this is way to much food for her stomach to handle (she will eat about half of the prepared tsp of rice) She didn't seem to like the rice cereal at first, so I did switch to oatmeal.  She developed a diaper rash one day after a poopy (she has never had one, and this rash was pretty extensive) so I assumed it was from the oatmeal...back to rice it was. Should I mix the rice with pears to make it more palatable?  I picked up gerber pears today.  How long does jarred food last once it is opened? Sorry, I know there are a lot of questions. 

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Re: transitioning to solids (multiple ?s)
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 11:16:25 am »
Why does the doctor want her on solids?

Remember, if you don't think she's ready, stop... you are the parent and you are in charge.  The doctor cannot make you start solids.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline lindsay2

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Re: transitioning to solids (multiple ?s)
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2007, 21:27:54 pm »
I was thinking she is ready for solids because she weights 19 lbs, can hold her head steady, sits relatively well with my help, watches me eat.  She has been whinning at night (not sure if it is hunger.  I suspect not, because she never eats more than 8 ozs in the am), eats every 4 hours and usually downs between 7 and 8 ozs each bottle.  There are days that she does spit up a lot however.  She has been eating this much for the past month and a half.  The doctor says he thinks she needs more sustinence, that the formula is not satisfying her nutritional needs for her weight. 

Even if I were to wait and introduce solids another month from now, could you verify that I am doing this right? And where do I go from the tsp in the morning like I asked in my last email?  Just want to make sure I understand this.  Thanks