Author Topic: Weaning off the bedtime milk  (Read 1334 times)

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Offline MyBella

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Weaning off the bedtime milk
« on: March 15, 2007, 00:20:44 am »
My 2 year old dd is a solid eater who will pretty much eat anything and she LOVES her milk.  I've been trying to get rid of the bedtime bottle (sippy, actually) to put an end to the 2am wet jammy problem, but not having much luck.  Ped suggested mixing with water, and increasing water content and decreasing the total amount over a period of time to make the experience less palatable, but that has not helped.  We're down only to 6 oz from 8oz, and 5oz of it is water with only 1 oz of milk, but she just guzzles that down and cries/begs/asks for more.  This happened tonight after she had eaten a slice of whole wheat bread dipped in olive oil along with 30 black olives (not kidding - we were trying some Spanish olive oil and Turkish olives this weekend and now she's addicted).  She's thrown a huge fit for more, and I feel really guilty not giving it to her but I know she'll be up in the middle of the night with wet jammies and cry for more milk to fall back asleep (I never give her milk when she has a nightwaking, although she regularly asks for it).  Any suggestions would be much appreciated...
(Mom to Isabella Bilgi born on 2/24/2005 - Textbook/Spirited)


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Re: Weaning off the bedtime milk
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 02:12:41 am »
Is she in pull-ups or real underwear?

And she may have been thirsty after all those olives!


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Re: Weaning off the bedtime milk
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2007, 02:15:23 am » we've just gone through this two months ago...I hate to say it but exact same thing with the adding water and then DS would beg for more, never worked. We were having exploding diapers too....

We ended up spending a month watering down milk and then one night I just gave him milk with dinner and water in his sippy before bed...The first night he threw it at me and cried...the next he looked at it with disgust and popped it in his mouth...and then asked for a heartbreaking little sob....but I guess I just knew that he didn't NEED it...and I think that's the big thing, from the sounds of it your DD doesn't NEED that bedtime milk anymore....

It took about 5 days of disgusting little looks and then he was "retrained" to expect milk at dinner and not before bed.

I hope this helps....if least you know someone has been there! :-\