I don't know what to do about my messy son. He has always ate quite well (interms of what he eats) it's just that he's really messy. He's starting nursery for the first time ever in a couple of months and I'm worried he'll be told off for being so messy. He's always been told not to throw food and when he does this or smears food all over the table or puts his peas in his drink he's warned that if he does it he's out of his chair which he is. This doesn't happen to regular (he usually looks at me as he's about to do something just for a reaction and then decides against it.) But he does not like using his cutlery. From being quite good at using his fork and poon and sometimes a knife he now wants to eat everything with his hands. He would scoop up his ice cream with his hand if he had half the chance. Do I just ignore this or is there something else I could try?