I had posted the topic about 19 month old and getting up at 4:30-5 am. Well, I am happy to tell everyone that it has changed, some days more than others. He wakes up anytime from 5:30-70:30 in the morning now. If he does and early morning one day, it is usually later the next. His naps are around noon for anywhere from 1 1/2-3 hrs and he is in bed by 7:30. So, I am so thankful that my changes are working.
Now, it seems that when he goes down for a nap heis up in his crib walking around and talking for almost an hour every time. (I have varied his naps from noon to one depending on the day). So does this mean that he is not ready for a nap yet? Should I try to wait until 1 every day? (he has been up for an hour at that time as well). Or, is it possible that he is just winding down from the morning and it is normal for him to do this? If anyone knows, I appreciate it.