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Exhausted all avenues and need new ideas
« on: March 27, 2007, 12:58:22 pm »
Okay, I've been at this nap extending thing for months off and on ( I have to take breaks because otherwise i go nuts) 
Her naps are only 30 mins

I cant go into detail as I would have to write a novel but W2S works only 50% of the time.  Can you even use W2S on a 7 month old?

PU/PD doesnt work either because she will just carryon until the next feed.  I've tried it for days with ear plugs in believe me!

She wakes up talking to herself.  Should I ignore her until she starts to cry?

I have tried shorter A times and longer A times, neither seems to help.

There is no relation between how she fell asleep and when she wakes up.  If she goes down screaming or babbling she'll still wake after 30 mins.

I have tried earlier bedtime and later bedtime, neither seems to help.

here is the routine
Between 5-6 wakes for bottle now that dreamfeed is gone, goes back to sleep afterward
6:30 wake up
7:30 solids
8:30 nap till 9

10:00 bottle
11:00 solids
11:30 nap till 12 or 12:30 if extended
This is very cranky A time so I suspect this nap is the most important one to extend
2 pm bottle
3 pm nap till 3:30
4 pm solids
6 pm bath bottle bed by 6:30

What am I doing wrong? ???  I know she needs more sleep as 30 min at this age doesnt even count as a nap, I'm just out of ideas.  Anyone else have some?

Offline EsMum

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Re: Exhausted all avenues and need new ideas
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 13:28:09 pm »
Hi there, your LO is such a cutie!

We're at 9mo and still battle with short naps from time to time.  PUPD doesn't work for us, and shh/pat used to but hasn't for ages now she has gotten older!  W2S never worked either.

If your LO wakes up happy, absolutely leave her.  This gives her the chance to go back to sleep.  Does your LO put herself to sleep when you put her down for naps and at night?

Also, from my understanding, at 7 mo they should be getting ready to drop the catnap - I wonder if this would help her extend her other two naps? 

Also have you seen the support group for mums of short nappers?  You might be able to get some ideas from there.

I'm sure the experts can give you more help and advice.  I just wanted to let you know that you are absolutely not alone!


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Re: Exhausted all avenues and need new ideas
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 03:14:17 am »
Hi there. At 7 months, your lo should be able to handle 3hrs of A time. The morning A time is usually less than others so aim for something like this:

6.30 - awake for the day
9am - nap 1 (1-1.5hrs)
1pm - nap 2 (1-1.5hrs)
4.30-5pm - catnap (45mins)
7ish - bedtime

Some are ready to drop the catnap but I would for the moment still offer it until she is comfortable with the new A time. Also if she is not taking the catnap, bring her bedtime forward 30mins to avoid her getting overtired. Does she fall asleep independantly?


20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline dtrias

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Re: Exhausted all avenues and need new ideas
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 12:19:17 pm »
Hi Layla and Michelle
Thanks for your responses
She falls asleep independently when shes not over tired.  When shes overtired i need to rub her back lightly until shes almost asleep.  We weaned paci a few weeks ago so the night wakings stopped.  She is getting up at 5 am for a bottle then going right back to sleep till 6:30.  Should she still be waking for this bottle or is it a habit?
I am in the process of weaning the dreamfeed.  I am at 9 pm with 4 oz and so far so good. 

Should I just go straight for the new A times or gradually work towards them?
I suspect your right about the A times as I have been keeping a log and she never sleeps more than 13 a day in total so if she does 11 at night she'll only do 2 hr during the day.  I guess 13 hours is what she needs though most books say 14 to 15.
Thanks ladies

Offline EsMum

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Re: Exhausted all avenues and need new ideas
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 13:18:14 pm »
I have read that some babies still need a night feed at this age - every baby is different.  I have seen posts on BW that suggest you start slowly watering down your formula and eventually your LO should drop the feed...I don't use formula so I can't tell you the mix, but if you look on the night wakings board you should find it.

Offline Layla

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Re: Exhausted all avenues and need new ideas
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 20:55:46 pm »
Try adding 10-15mins to her A times every 3 days or so to avoid her getting overtired.

I personally think that 1 night feed (and dreamfeed) at 5 months is the norm. My lo had 1 nightfeed till she was 9 months (no dreamfeed). Once solids are established you can look into getting rid of the early morning bottle.

Keep us posted

20/06/2012 - my angel baby