my lo is 1 YO and i want to take her to a day care for one day a week - 3 hours. (that's all i can get) the place is very good and a wonderful warm women is running it. lots of recommendations. I'm not working. the reason i want her to go is so she can play with other kids (the same ones) and eat with them. even though it's only once a week. she had a cleft palate repair 2 month ago and is not feeding herself yet. i think it would be good for her to eat with other kids. my problem is, i want to do it the Tracy way - gradually. but the lady says no. she says no to all mothers. and they all love her and her day care. she says it's gonna be heard for her if I'm there. and that i should wait in the car and she will call me after an hour (the first day) but i think, my poor baby, she doesn't know the place or anybody there, how can she be without someone she knows to turn to???
she's an angel and textbook baby (except for the cleft...) she's been through a lot in her life, moving to a new country when she was 4 m, the operation - she surprised us in everything, recovering so fast.... but still, I'm worried and having second thought. don't want to expose her to any traumatic experience. am i too worry?? love to know whet you think.
thank you very much!