Author Topic: should we punish her or not? Please help with this sleep issue 2.5 yr old.  (Read 3243 times)

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Offline Ladybird

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Oh wow, thank heaven I just found this posting as I am sitting here with tears flowing down my cheeks  :'(!!!!! Every night we have the same fight, bed and 3 stories, her 'doo' (paci), door shut (always have and I DREAD the day she can open it herself) and then it starts BANG BANG BANG, on the door  >:(

She by the way is also 2.5 years old, and i have a 7 month old in the next room. I can't do the poker face/put her back in bed as her screaming wakes the baby who is just starting to sleep through the night which my exhausted mind and body thanks very much!!!!

We put her down at 7:30 and we aren't able to sit down until at least 10pm...we are both exhausted and have very little time for ourselves, or each other. Tonight I am at my wits end and very very low!

I think she needs to drop the time of her naps to one hour after reading this. I also have to tackle getting rid of the paci but not yet. She became potty trained about 3 weeks ago and was dry day and night and the last 3 nights she has wet the bed!! Am I doing something to stress her out, I am just at my wits end.

I would be harder on her and deal with the screams but dont want to because ofthe baby

Autumn Mae Brooke born Oct 12 2004
Evie Louise Brooke born Sept 16 2006

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Alex hates it when I close the door, it terrifies her, but goes to sleep happily if I leave it open.  Ladybird, what time is her nap?