For a week now my 10month old ds is significantly more difficult to get to sleep at night. What used to take 5-10 min to get to sleep now takes 60min! Has has also become more mobile and active during play time...rolls all over the place (not crawling just yet). We normally head upstairs for bath at 6pm. So, he gets a bath which he loves, then i used to massage baby oil/cream but now it's a quick rub as he just doesn't lie still for a second. Then a wrestling match to dress, then breast fed (which is quick now), 1-2 books, then into his grobag, lights out and white noise on, rock in chair while sing to him, then into crib. But he is much more active during windown that i am wondering if it is even winding him down anymore? Does this happen? Anyone have any other ways to calm an active baby before bed? He's even wrestling me when breast feeding!