I dunno Natasha. I just posted on another thread because Riley's sleep has just gone weird these past few days. He is teething those bloody molars as well. And where his eye teeth came in, his gums are still red there (they are not all the way down).
Also, I was listening outside the door while he was settling tonight, and he was saying, "Moma gone, Dada gone" over and over again to himself, it was really sad
I finally went back in and he fell asleep cuddled up on me (we cosleep. so that's not an issue for me if some nights he wants me there when he is going to sleep)
I don't know, bedtime has just gone weird for us. But it happens from time to time, I guess, and then he gets over it. I think we were having a good spell there for a while and I got spoiled lol!