Well, there is alot going on in our household. Zara is now 1. I am 4 months pregnant, and the pregnancy is not going brilliantly. I have been ordered to stop work by the Dr, and to take it pretty easy (blood pressure issues). So, I am home every day (have worked parttime, gradually increasing, since 4mo - it was 4 days per week for 3 months before I finished). And Zara is home every day too (used to be daycare 3 days, one day with her dad). She is also going through 2-1 transition - early I know, but I am a cue watcher, so I make sure she has two naps when her behaviour indicates she needs it. So far, not waking early, or NW (except teething related - which has been happening a little lately, panadol stopped working, nurofen helped though). I always do two naps after a bad night. I also never wake her from naps.
All of this, it would seem, has created some SA problems, which we have never had before. During her A times, she is clingier than normal - at first I thought due to shots and teething, but now I realise that even with the teething treated, she is just as bad. And when we are out, whilst she will go off and play, she needs to be able to see me and know where I am. That is fine.
But sleep is now hard. She cries if I try to leave the room. We had been successfully using WI/PD/WO - and whilst PD I was saying "No Zara, it is time to go to sleep now". She was usually playing and yelling, not crying. I have an issue with doing this while she is crying - not an intellectual issue, a hormonal issue. For the first time since she was born, I can't bear to hear her cry. But I am unable to stand over her cot all the time too, as I am simply too tired, and am supposed to rest when she does.
Today she crashed for her one nap (I was a little late putting her down cause we were at playgroup). she woke after 1/2 hr and wouldn't let me leave the room, so I took her to bed with me and we napped for 2 hours. We have been napping together quite a bit, because I am truly exhausted.
Am I going to create a bad problem if we nap together, but I do wi/pd/wo for the nights? So one is cosleep, the other independant?
Is there a gentler way than what I am currently doing?
Is there anything I can do during A times to ease this?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for reading this novel if you got this far