I can understand the issues my 22mo is in a bed & it isn't easy (not like my ds#1)
comparing your routine to mine...
wake up 6/6.30
nap 12.30/1pm 1.5-2hours
Bed (stories at 7.30, asleep by about 8pm)
So in many ways I am thinking you may be putting him to bed to early.
My thought is let him hide & if he falls a sleep in the closet, let him... my ds, actually has chosen not to sleep in his bed for the last 2-3 weeks, he actually sleeps on the floor. If you play his game he sees it as part of the routine. KWIM
One thing we do A LOT is discuss what is happening, so when he has dinner we talk about how we will have a play (wrestling) with daddy, then it will be bath time. then during wrestling, we talk about how it is bath time & time to get dressed, then in the bath, next is time to get dressed & then stories, during dressing, stories & put into bed & THAT Mummy will sit for a while, but then she has to go out to say goodnight to his brother & he needs to stay in bed (started by leaving the door & walking straight back in & "thanking" him for staying in bed) now I can go out for about 3 mins, but have to go back, but gradually extending it.