7am E
7.30 A
8.30 S (not always that long,,,,)
10 A
10.30 E
12 S
12.45 A
2 E
2.15 S
3 A
4.30 S
5.15 E
5.30A (inc bath)
6.45 E (top up before bed)
7 Bed....
Doesnt' always look like this of course.... the start and end are always the same. No matter what, I start at around 7 (sometime a little earlier) and end with catnap onwards at the same time. It's just the naps etc in the middle of the day that muck the rest of the day up....hence the 3.5 not really EASY! sometimes naps coincide with eat etc. Or like yesterday, she had a 45min nap in the morning, then we went groceries and stayed awake nearly 3hrs with only 15catnap int the car, then slept for over 2 hrs.
TBH, I think I know the answer to all this. I need to be more strict on her sleeping and waking hours in the day so she gets more of a routine..... then when it is time to transition to 2 naps it will be easier for her....am I right???
If not 6months for 2naps, when should it be??
thanks for your help too!