I thought I would also re-post here since things have changed a little here too. Dd1 no longer naps at all, and no longer has quiet time in her room (the time was just getting shorter and shorter that she would 'tolerate' it, and I was too scared of her waking dd2). So now we just have some 'quiet time' downstairs where I 'ignore' her (do BW etc!) while dd1 entertains herself (which she's very good at). I find it's very important to get her into bed by 6.30pm as often as possible, any later too often and she loses the plot! So she's sleeping pretty much 11.5hrs overnight, sometimes closer to 12hrs.
Her same-age cousin (who has always been a fantastic sleeper) only gets about 10hrs overnight, but then naps around 1-1.5hrs every day. Both children will be starting afternoon kindy soon, so I'm glad my dd1 is in the habit already of getting all her sleep overnight.