7:00-7:30 am. Wake up and drink milk
8:00- breakfast (cereal and fruit)
9:15 nap until 11:00 (approx 1.5 hrs)
11:45-12:00 is lunch (milk, fruits and veg)
1:15-1:30 is nap time (1.5-2hrs)
4:30 is supper ( milk, cereal, veggies)
7:30 bath time
7:45 last feeding
8:00 pm bedtime.
Wakes up between 4-6am, then goes back to sleep if I give him a quick feed (until morning). This has been going on for a while. I've diminshed the minutes of the feeding.. and now he eats very little when he does eat, so I don't understand why this pattern is continuing.
I breastfeed and bottlefeed as well. I have done this for a while now, so I don't suspect this is the issue. He takes both very well. Last week, I've substituted the bf at lunch for bottle. LO is very very active (crawls) and when I bf him, I get frustrated because he seems to want to jump out of my arms or roll around and crawl... there's another issue I suppose.