OK, so DD is nearly 6 months and the naps are crazy right now. We had the whole 45 min. nap thing when she was nearing 4 months and when we switched to 4 hr. EASY, it got a lot better. Now here we are dealing with it again, but not every day. And then she has gotten to the point where she refuses the catnap in her crib but if we are on the go, she'll take it in the car or in the stroller. BUT NOT THE CRIB! (Heaven forbid!)
Yesterday's naps were all 30-45 min and today's morning nap was 2 hrs, 15 min. followed by only one nap for 30! I am guessing these are clues that its time for a change!
ANYWAY, I was reading in the FAQ's about going from 3 naps to 2, but her A time is MAX 2 hrs. in the morning. I JUST got her to 2 hrs. For the longest time she was 1.5 hrs. I really don't think I can push her past 2 then. This morning she was ACHING for a nap & could only last 1.5. Later in the day she can def. handle 3 hr. and even 3.5 hr. awake times, but NOT after waking in the morning. Hmmm.... What to do? Other sleep books say there is a 9:00 rythm to follow for the morning nap.... She seems to go for that!
This is her "routine" (I put routine in parenthesis bec. I don't wake her & she'll wake one day an hour earlier than the next, who knows! But bedtime is ALWAYS the same & then with the weird naps, well....)
WAKE 6:15
E BF 6:30
S 8:30 - 9:30 or 10; then A time till E
E BF 10:30
E solids 11:30 (just started this)
S 12:30 or 1 until around 2
E 2:30
S catnap for about 30 min.
E 6:30
BED 7:30
Sleeps till 6:15 usually