Hi there
My lo is coming up to 8 months old and has started to cry when I leave the room, and Im finding hes wingeing a lot in the day which is hard going to say the least. He has been teething and just cut another tooth so maybe the wingeing solely down to that althought its threw the gum and hes still wingeing so not show if partly due to the seperation anxiety issue, has any others lo been like this??
Im following Traceys advice by not picking him up, going back and to out of the room, distraction etc and no it will past, does anyone know how long it usually lasts for or is that an unanswerable question. Also any tips on how to keep him amused all day without me picking him up all the time to help with the constant wingeing too. Obviously I do spend time with his aswell and dont want him just to sit there all by himself all day but I want him to learn to be independant and play happily by himself without mum at times.