I need help with my 2 year old child.
When she was a baby, she started sleeping all night long since 2 months, then slept in her room since 3 months. Never gave me much problems, as she as a baby eat and slept all day.
When she was about 17 months, she started screaming during the night, and I tried to calm her down, I used the PU/PD method and she improved one week later. One month after, she started again, and as I was very tired, I started to bring her bed to my room. She used to wake up, looked at me, I sometimes gave her my hand and she fell asleep again. But then, she started to cry continuously and only stooped if I took her to my bed.
That's where the problem started.... Now she only falls asleep in my bed, then I put her in her crib. During the night, at about 02:00am, she cries and I bring her to my bed again.
Now she is starting to fall asleep very late at night, at about 23:00, gets up at about 09:00 and now is starting to refuse to take a nap in the afternoon. And when she accepts it, it's already very late to take a nap - 17:00 / 17:30 and sleeps 2 hours...
I think that because of the lack of sleep she is having, she now is more upset during the day. She used to be a very happy baby, and now she is always crying during the day... She used to wake up smiling, and now she wakes up crying.
I realised too, that the sleep she has isn't calm, she cries frequently during the night and calls sometimes for me or when she looses her soother.
Now my big problem is that I found out I'm pregnant, so I need to solve this problem as soon as possible, before the new baby arrives.
How shall I start? Please can you help me?
C. Freitas