My daughter has milk & egg allergies & I am pregnant with my second child. I spoke to the pead about trying for a baby & asked what should I do during pregnancy regarding my intake of diary & egg products & was told to eat as normal. There is only 2 weeks to go until this baby is due & I fully intend to breastfeed again but now I need advice on what I should or should not be eating while breastfeeding. I spoke to my midwife yesterday & she insisted that I should just eat as normal as 'our milk is all made up of the same stuff' I'm sorry but I think that is rubbish & told her so. If that was the case, why would Sarah have reacted to me drinking milk while I breastfed her, she had eczema on her legs & arms, it was only when we tried to wean her did we discover her allergy, I felt so bad because as soon as I stopped the diary products she was ok.
My problem is that this little one may not have an allergy but there is more of a chance it might as there is now a history in the family, if I can do anything to help I will.
Does anyone have any advice on what to do in this situation? I know some of you on here have had 2 children with allergies & would appreciate your help.