I am just wondering how many of you out there get pushed to start solids?? DD is 18wks- just a week over 4mo, and everyone around me suggests starting solids. My MIL, the sitter, people at work, other babies mothers, and I just don't get it!! DD was 8lbs at birth, and is around 14 from what I can tell now (it's been a while since she's been weighed properly but we've got a checkup coming up).
We were having some problems with her feeding properly about a month ago - refusing the bottle, and I tried everything - from teething treatments to bigger nipple sizes, etc. Even started on acid reflux medicine. Turns out I think our problem was a sneaky ear infection, and she finished her round of antibiotics today. Even our Ped recommended we go ahead and start solids at like 14 weeks. She has been FF since 1wk, and I've read that allergies aren't as big of a concern since she's always been on an artificial nutrition, and constipation isn't supposed to be as bad since the formula is already iron fortified and supposedly she's already used to it, but still!
It was crazy to me, because our problem was that DD WOULDN'T drink, not that she wasn't getting satisfied. She also wasn't sleeping through the night - but has all this week since getting the ear infection treated. DH picked up DD from the sitter today, and she had not finished her bottle, and suggested to him that we should start her on cereal and that would make her drink more milk??!!!??? That seems awful absurd to me, am I the only one that has encountered this?? Isn't it supposed to be just for "taste" and a learning experience, and not a big source of nutrition?? Just curious what others think.