Author Topic: How do you know when they're full??  (Read 1080 times)

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How do you know when they're full??
« on: June 08, 2007, 22:08:58 pm »
Stupid question?  I hope not  :-\

I bf my dd, so grasping the whole bottle feeding is a whole new thing!

How do you know if your LO can take more formula, or if they're done?  It seems like my son could drink and drink and drink!!!  I burp him every 2 oz or so, and he doesn't spit up.  But he does spit up sometimes afterwards (if being bounced, moved around too much etc).

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Re: How do you know when they're full??
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2007, 22:34:13 pm »
I think it depends on your lo's age.  My lo is 18wks and will start to play with the nipple with her mouth-move it around with her tongue, etc.  I've heard some moms say their lo gets real squirmy.  In general - let them have as much as they'll take is my philosophy, and I know I've read somewhere on these boards to keep an extra half ounce in the bottle more than they typically take so it is there if they want it, and when they consistently drain the bottle, add another extra half ounce - that way you can stay on top of growth spurts, or at least be a little more aware that. 

That being said sometimes a bottle nipple flows faster than the boob, so maybe your lo is taking in more before his tummy can get the message to his brain that he is full?  Breastfeeding never took off with us, so this is an area I don't have any first hand experience with, but maybe if you think his brain isn't getting the message that he's full - give him what you think would be a proper feed, wait a few minutes and offer more, and if he takes it you know he's still hungry and a "proper" feed is a little bigger?  HTH

Offline oilerbaby

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Re: How do you know when they're full??
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2007, 05:42:26 am »
Hi there - got this off of the University of Michegan website for you:

How often should I feed my baby?

Your health care provider will tell you when and how often to feed your baby. In general, your baby will probably need:

    * 6 to 8 formula feedings per day for the first month
    * 5 to 6 formula feedings per day from 1 to 3 months
    * 4 to 5 formula feedings per day from 3 to 7 months
    * 3 to 4 formula feedings per day from 7 to 12 months

If your baby is not hungry at some feedings, increase the time between feedings.
How much formula should I give my baby?

Newborns usually start with 1 ounce per feeding, but by 7 days they can take 3 ounces. The amount of formula that most babies take per feeding (in ounces) can be calculated by dividing your baby's weight (in pounds) in half. For example, if your baby weighs 8 pounds, your baby will probably drink 4 ounces of formula per feeding. No baby should drink more than 32 ounces of formula a day. If your baby needs more than 32 ounces and is not overweight, consider starting solid foods. Overfeeding can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive weight gain.

My ds is now four months and eating 4 times a day, 8 oz. per bottle (been at the 8oz for a good month and a bit now) with a couple more at the dream feed.  I've bottle fed all my kids and from what I've heard bottle fed babies will spit up more than breast fed but there are some bottle babies who aren't big spitter uppers as well.  Hope this helps!
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Offline oilerbaby

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Re: How do you know when they're full??
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2007, 05:42:58 am »
Oh - and no such thing as a stupid question!
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Offline matthewsmama

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Re: How do you know when they're full??
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2007, 12:48:56 pm »
I had the same issue with ds....he would never stop....ever.I was so confused, and littel by little I got to know what he was showing as very small cues, like he would stop and take a few deep breaths, and that usually meant he was full.  And to be honest, when I feed him now, he still cries after were dont with every meal, as if he wants more, but 2 minutes later he is fine and doesnt need to eat for another few hours, so I know he isnt really hungry...he just loves to eat.  But , yes I hear you, it is hard to understand when they have very discreet cues.  Good luck!!Christie