My question is: how do you think I should do this? Plan A -a short nap in morning (say 30 minutes) and longer nap in the afternoon (2 hours) or Plan B - just bite the bullet and try and go for one nap?
I agree with Deb. Try 45mins to start with (its a wonder what 15mins less can do) and if she's still fighting the pm nap, go down to 30mins and a longer nap in the pm (it might be 1.5-2hrs). I actually "bit the bullet" with Isabella at 14months as well cause I had no belief in all this cutting naps and what not and was certain that she would "settle" into 1 nap, get used to the new A times and have this 1 long nap! Well the 1st 3 days she did and then we got into all sorts of problems. Did the same with Jasmine (got a little impatient with cutting naps, etc...) & again, the 1st couple of days she did really well and then it went downhill (nightwakings and the obvious overtired signs). So although your dd did "ok" on a 7hr stretch, thats still a pretty long stretch and if it occurs again that she is fighting the pm nap, I would make bedtime earlier. On the days my girls faught the pm nap and were awake that long, I used to put them to bed as early as 5/5.30pm. They still slept until their usual wake up time of 6/6.30am.
I think I should try and get her to stay up until 11:30am and just do one long nap. But I'm afraid if I do that she'll be overtired and not sleep long. Her morning nap was always the good one .. I'm afraid to mess with it. Also, she's never really napped more than 90 minutes .. will she really go to one long (2 - 3 hour) nap just like that?
This is something you need to experiment with. If you are comfortable stretching her morning A time, do so but in increments and keep offering a nap in the pm. If no nap in the pm, do an earlier bedtime. Wait 3-4 days to see if things are getting better or not. Personally this route never worked here cause my girls would plain & simply refuse the pm catnap and they were awake for a long time before beditme. Putting to bed earlier helps but you can only do that so many times. Overtiredness still caught up and we had nightwakings. There is no harm in trying. You can always go back to 2 naps.
2hrs is the average once they finally transition to 1 nap. To be honest, Isabella only did 1.5hrs to start with and then it got a little longer (2hrs) and now its back to 1.5. I think 3hrs is an exception and by the time they go to 1 nap, they don't really need that much daytime sleep. The av for toddlers is 11hrs at night and 2hrs during the day.
I would check that link out as well. Its many pages long but as Deb said, we are all going through the same thing.....