I just wanted to share some success with my 2 year old and her getting to sleep on her own.
It has been trial and error for 2 years!
To answer my own question (with the help of others), yes dd needs a slightly shorter nap and early bedtime.
We have had daycare waking dd from nap by 3:00 and we've been putting her in her crib by 7:00 (bathing right after supper with no playing in between) and all week, dd has been falling asleep on her own by 8:30. This is truly amazing. She has never done this before. She plays happily for a while and then she does cry or call out once or twice. For this I have been going into her room, holding her for about a minute and whispering to her about all the people who love her. And then I tell her what she will do in the morning. She seems to really like this and often goes to sleep after this.
And I mentioned this on another post, but dd Loves her routine. And since she knows it so well, she is the one to lead us straight to bath after supper, then to stories, milk, brushing teeth, soft music, and crib. No fight at all to get her in bath.
she is also potty trained now during the day. Our daycare provider thinks that this is why she seems to be so much happier lately. I personally think she is so happy because of the routine, and her sleeping better. And I can actually relax starting at 7:00 when I put her in the crib, instead of stressing about her going to sleep! We have not been having struggles or tantrums for a while now and I don't think it's just a coincidence!
Just wanted to share and say that there is hope for those spirited lo's who have so much trouble getting themselves to sleep.
Just might take a while, and some trial and error, to find what your lo truly needs.