Bedtime was 7 or 7:15 for the most part until the last couple of months, now 7:30. If we've got something going on she can push it to 8, but a couple nights of this in a row brings us back to EW. When she FIRST started skipping the nap and we did the early 6:30 bedtime, it took us maybe a month to ease our way back to 7 PM.
What time are the catnaps when they happen?
What does she do when she wakes in the AM? Another BW friend has done this trick with her 3 year old... she tapes an index card with a big "7" on her kid's clock over the minutes. She tells him when the numbers match (2 7's, therefore 7:00 AM) he can get up, but not til then. We haven't had to try that yet, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind! Thought it might be helpful for Carmela...
Good luck!