Author Topic: 13+ months and I've tried it all and it's all not working....HELP!!  (Read 744 times)

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hi everyone -

i'm new to these boards but have read the book and am really having trouble coming up with a new solution to our sleep problems...i welcome any kind of advice that might get us on track to something that will help up in this new transition....i'm at wits husband gets upset with me anytime i get frustrated with anything that has to do with our little girl and i very, very rarely do but i'm starting to get frustrated b/c i don't know what to do anymore and we're both losing patience (i with the situation and him with me)...

eden is 13 months old and we're still bfing and co-sleeping...she bfs to sleep for all naps, at bedtime, and in the night...she had started only waking 1x at night and had always gone down for naps and bed within 15-30 minutes (depending on how tired she was) she wakes anywhere from 2-4xs/nt and has to bfed back to sleep...i've always bfed, rocked her, and sang her to sleep at night (since about 8 months old when i could just hold her in bed and bf her to sleep) she won't have it anymore and a lot of the times i try to rock her she eats and then starts kicking, pushing, and pulling my hair b/c she wants me to put her's been getting worse and worse...i've tried just laying in bed with her and bfing her to sleep but she eats and then pushes away and tries to get up and climb out of bed so that doesn't desperation i've tried ther crib and cio (but only for a very short time b/c it broke my heart and i can't do it...and besides, she just cries louder and harder and would probably hurt herself)...i've tried putting her in them crib and standing next to it singing and patting her back the whole time but she just continues to cry and stand up (it actually worked one time but it took about 45 minutes and i had to  lay her down probably 100+ times before she finally gave in)....

she naps 2 times a day - always around 3 hours after she wakes (6am-7:30am) and then again 3 hours after she wakes from her 1st nap...both naps are around 1.5 hours but have been much shorter these last few days...we put her to bed at 8:30pm after a bedtime routine that starts at 8pm...i've tried putting her down earlier but she won't have it (i think it's too bright)...

last night i tried to crib method again after failing at all my other attempts and after 20 minutes my husband couldn't take hearing her cry and came and "rescued" her and seemed really irritated with me...who knows if it would've worked if i would've kept at it...he then tried to rock her and she screamed and cried for me repeatedly....we finally both layed down in bed with her and after about an hour of just letting her sit up and flail around as she wished she finally passed out at 10pm with both of us cuddling her...she woke up bright and early at 6am (2 hours less sleep than usual)...this is obviously something that can't keep happening...

we're planning baby #2 soon and i have to get a handle on our sleep issues before we can...also, she's still bfing so much  that i haven't started my period yet so we can't even think about #2 yet...until she 's sleeping through the night and not bfing to sleep i think i'll continue to be without...

does anyone have any ideas???...ANYTHING will help i'm sure...the only thing i'm not willing to do is cio b/c it just doesn't feel right to me...

thanks so much for helping -


Offline Layla

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Re: 13+ months and I've tried it all and it's all not working....HELP!!
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 00:27:54 am »
Hi & welcome! ;D

You don't have to let her CIO. There are much more gentle ways to teach her how to sleep. Here's the link to sleep training methods for toddlers:

Quote (selected)
)...i've tried putting her in them crib and standing next to it singing and patting her back the whole time but she just continues to cry and stand up (it actually worked one time but it took about 45 minutes and i had to  lay her down probably 100+ times before she finally gave in)....

I would start of by being in the room with her (so the GW method) just because she is so used to you & then eventually I would go to wi/wo. So start of by sitting next to her & if she stands, you keep putting her down. SHe will cry (and alot) but thats normal and its not the same as you leaving to sort it out on her own. Be there with her, help her get through this but don't pick her up to rock her or BF her. This will only confuse her. She will cry because this is new to her and she won't really know what it is you want of her. I would do this as long as it takes at night (and be it 45mins or 2hrs)... You really need to have a chat to DH & be on the same path becuase if he is coming in to rescue her, again, all the crying is out the window. Write a plan & stick to it. Do the same thing over and over again. Consistency is really the key!!!

I would change my naptime & beditme routine a little as well. You can still BF her (if you wish) but don't make that the last step. So maybe read some books, BF & then into cot & sing a song. Make sure she is not falling asleep at the breast & that she is in the cot awake. Every time she stands, you will have to put her down. Hold her hand if you have to, rub her back, chant soothing words over and over again... "it's ok, you're tired, mummy's here, go to sleep".... you know things like that.

Could you tell me about her naps??? She could also be dropping a nap & heading towards 1 nap so if you are finding that her pm nap is getting shorter, I would suggest something like this:

6.30ish - wake for the day
9.30ish - morning nap (but you might have to wake her up at 45mins to get a longer pm nap)
10:15 - wake from nap
1.30-2pm - afternoon nap
3-3/30 - wakes from nap
7-7.30 - bedtime

Quote (selected)
last night i tried to crib method again after failing at all my other attempts and after 20 minutes my husband couldn't take hearing her cry and came and "rescued" her and seemed really irritated with me...who knows if it would've worked if i would've kept at it...he then tried to rock her and she screamed and cried for me repeatedly....we finally both layed down in bed with her and after about an hour of just letting her sit up and flail around as she wished she finally passed out at 10pm with both of us cuddling her...she woke up bright and early at 6am (2 hours less sleep than usual)...this is obviously something that can't keep happening...
See this is very tempting but I would encourage you to keep at it rather than giving in. Think of your ultimate goal - that is, for her to be able to self soothe and when she wakes at night to be able to put herslef back to sleep. At the moment, all those night wakings are not good for anyone involved. Its fragmented sleep for her (which only causes overtiredness) & interrupted sleep for you (which I am sure causes some anxiety as well). If you are planning for baby#2, the last thing you want is a newborn that is dependant on you at night (for all those night feeds) and a toddler who is demanding for you to get back to sleep as well.

Let me know if you have any other q's before you start. We will be here for support!!!!! This will be very hard but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Layla :-*

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

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Re: 13+ months and I've tried it all and it's all not working....HELP!!
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 17:32:13 pm »

Just wanted to add that here in the UK they have repeated the Babywhisperer shows and last week there was a couple who had exactly the same problem as this.   

They actually sent the mother away for 2 days and involved the dad and grandmother so the baby wouldn't keep looking for the breast.   The LO was 14 months.   It took a really long night of PU/PD and comforting but eventually she went off to sleep.  They did not leave the LO to cry it out they stayed with her until she went off to sleep and she did wake again but they stuck it out.
 The next night was slightly easier and so on and so on until 9 days later they had a totally different child.

I know it's easy to talk about but the practice is difficult but I think you need to get your husband on side and just accept that you're going to have a tough couple of nights.  If you give in you're back to square one again and you've confused and upset your LO for nothing really. 

Also on this show the LO was so much happier in the end as she was actually getting a good nights sleep and she was eating better solids in the day.

I don't know if you can get access to the show but they had exactly the same issue.
