Our little man is 17.5wks, and we have been trying to get him through his 45 min naps. We have had some success with holding him through his jolts, but sometimes there aren't any he just opens his eyes. We have also toyed with maybe he's done napping after 45 min cause he's smiling at us, but this only results in a meltdown later in the day, so he's definately not one of these. Consistancy has been our main problem - so I'm going to commit 2wks to this starting tomorrow.
Swaddling question : I still swaddle him as I'm worried that if I let him have his hands then he'll never be able to get back to sleep (we don't use a paci and he still hasn't found his thumb !!!!
). But then saying that, when he is asleep, he always manages to get his arms out anyway. So, do I continue to swaddle him, and once he has got through the 45 minute mark with our help (sometimes it takes us 20 minutes to settle him in the cot, any longer then we right off the nap and get him up for play) then get rid of the swaddle ? But then at what stage will he be able to learn to self soothe ? He's a good night sleeper and can stir but settle himself.
Thanks heaps
from me