sorry! Am I doing this right?
DS used to be able to go to sleep without any problems but if he woke in the night he wouldn't be able to get BACK to sleep without our presence.
He got much better but now we seem to have reverted back to being props.
This is what we are now doing-is this right?
Put to bed and leave him. If he starts to cry we wait until he seems to be getting very upset. We go in and he gets really frustrated because I would sometimes pick him up to calm him
. DH would sometimes hold his hand until he went to sleep. So I now just sit in the chair by his cot and if he stands up I lie him down. He starts to get very cross with me and frustrated. I stay until he calms down but no picking up. When he calms I leave the room and only go back in if he seems really upset. Then stay until he calms. The cycle continues until he eventually goes to sleep. Should we stay until he calms or do we go in, say a few words and then leave even if he is hysterical and then go back in after the count?