Hi - I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but my situation is this:
We are moving in about 6 weeks from Texas to California (2 hours earlier) and I want to try to alter my 13 mo's sleep schedule so she won't be waking up at 4:30 AM everyday! Currently, she starts her day at about 6:30 AM, which is about an hour earlier than she used to, but I've given up on fixing that problem. A few weeks back I thought she was ready for the 2-1 switch but now I'm not so sure because she seems so tired at nap time. A typical day right now is this:
6:30 Wake
7:00 Breakfast
9:30/10 Snack
10:30/11 Nap (40 min - I don't wake her, she does that on her own and always has)
12/12:30 Lunch
2/2:30 Snack
3:00 Nap (usually 40 min, occasionally 60 min)
5/5:30 Dinner
6/6:30 Milk, then bedtime routine
7/7:30 Bed & asleep
I've considered just creeping her bedtime later, but I am afraid she would just keep waking at 630AM and become overtired - on the few occasions that her bedtime has been later, she has not slept ANY later, sometimes waking earlier. A little over a month ago we went to California to look for a house, so we were there for five days and she woke up at her normal Houston time everyday! Then that meant 530 AM, but now that would mean 4:30 and that is so not cool... And this was in a darkened hotel suite, so the bedroom was to the back, away from the hotel noise. Moving is going to be hard anyway, so if there is a way to have one less problem, I am all for it! I don't really see how to fix this, though, so please share your suggestions!