My lo was a chronic 45 minute napper. He has improved tons, he was doing 2 1h. 30min, and a 45 minute catnap. I worked for months on getting him over the 45 minute nap. Probably for about a month he has been doing better until recently! He is on a 4 hr. schedule, sleeps through the night without a dreamfeed, just dropped it a few nights ago. His first nap last about 1hr. 15-20 then he second is only 45 minutes, and he won't go back to sleep. He wakes up happy. Before he would wake up at 45 minutes crying, I would go in put a nuk in , re-swaddle and he would fall back asleep. Now he is content to hang out in his crib for 40minutes. He also doesn't seem to be as tired when I go to put him down. I have extended his time again by ten minutes but it doesn't seem to help. Please help!! He was finally doing so well and now it is like he is taking a big step backwards!
His has been his routine for almost a month now.
7:00am wake (still wakes at 6:00ish, can get him back to sleep sometimes to 7:00
E 7:00am
A 7:00am - 9:00am (tried an extra 10min) it also depends on when he wakes up, I try 2hr. 10min
S 9:00am - 10:30 (this nap is getting shorter??)
E 11:00am
A 11:00- 12:30 (depends when he wakes up) again try for 2hr. 10min activity
S 12:30-2:00pm (has done two hours but now he is only doing 45 minutes!)
E 3:00pm -
A 2:00 - 4:15 or 4:30, seems to be able to stay awake longer
S 4:30 catnap 45 min.
A 5:00
E 6:00 dinner solids
7:15 bottle
7:30 sleep
He goes to bed great! dropped the df no problem. I have introduced solids this past two weeks. Could that be the problem?? He at times still wakes during the night, don't feed him, he just goes back to sleep, but this has improved. He is almost 6 months. Any advice???