My son is 2 years old. He has a very difficult time falling asleep and cries when I leave the room. I walk in and walk out and soothe him but I'm having a problem getting him to lay down to sleep. Typically, he'll stand up in his crib and fall asleep standing up. One time he slept from 12-4am standing up.
A few things to note:
my sister recently moved in with us and a newborn son. This is when it started to get worse.
Typical morning he wakes up, eats breakfast, plays, books, lunch etc,
Naps from anywhere between 12:30 and 2pm for about 1.5-1 hours.
Bedtime routine is books, bath, jammies, book, hold him in a chair then put him in the crib. No, I wasn't doing the baby whisperer so I might be the prop. Sometimes he wakes up when I put him in his crib. Otherwise, he wakes in the wee hours of the morning crying and looking for me. When I come in the room, he'll get happy. When I leave he starts up again. When it gets bad I bring him to bed with me.
How do I help relieve his anxiety and what are some practical ways of getting him to lay down and stay laying down. Help. Thanks!