Please help! My 22 month old DS had been a wonderful sleeper until we moved a week ago. He used to go right to sleep when we laid him down for naps as well as bedtime. Now when I tell him that it's time to go to bed (or take a nap) He says no and cries when I put him in his bed. His cries become shrieks and screams when I leave the room. I've tried staying with him patting his back, singing, etc. for up to 30 minutes and he will not settle while I'm in there. He stops crying, but fidgets and looks around. (Basically anything to keep himself from falling asleep) Then when I leave it's the screaming again. Here's the good part- he doesn't do this for my husband. My husband can still lay him down and he'll go to sleep no problem. Or if he wakes in the night my husband can settle him where if I go in his room he only seems to be worse.
Here's our schedule: wake up 6:00-6:30am, lunch 11:30-12:00, nap 12:30 (usually an hour to an hour and a half) dinner 6:00 then bath and bed at 7:00pm
Any suggestions on what to do? I feel like my being in there doesn't help and my staying out doesn't help either. I'd always send DH in but there are nights (like tonight) that he's not home until later.