thank you so very much for the replies, ladies! and the hugs. those are MUCH needed.
I appreciate the advice to stop gradually. that is one thing I wasn't sure how to go about doing, so that's what I'm doing now.
You can probably get more if you pumped more often. Its hard to maintain your supply twice a day, i did it 4 times.
actually, my only pumping twice a day (at the time that I posted this) was in part my trying to gradually stop. before, I pumped at 6 AM, during her first nap, during her second nap, and then at night. each time, I pumped for 45 minutes to an hour. I tried everything to increase my supply, including pumping more (I tried 6 times a day, which about killed me!!), but to no avail.
I was finally starting to feel okay about stopping...until I read that a baby can get their antibodies in 4 ounces a day. dang!! but I need to remind myself that I'm emotionally hurting....not just hating pumping, but I'm depressed and feel horrible about myself because there are 4 hours a day where I am not doing anything. and you guys know how precious time is when you have a baby!!
so I think I'm feeling better about it, in general. it will be good not to pump for me. and 7 1/2 months hopefully is good enough for my LO.
thank you again, you guys! I appreciate the replies and support!!