Hi there!
First of all, thanks to all for contributing to this wonderful website. It's awesome!!
My 15 month old son had always been a good sleeper, sleeping through the night pretty much since he was 4 months old. We used pu/pd a few occasions, usually after a major milestone (teething, illness, etc).
The last month, after he had a really bad cold/fever, he has started to wake up several times at night (randomly), crying out really bad, almost screaming. We wait a little bit before we intervene, maybe a 2 or 3 minutes, and then we go in and try to comfort him (usually by ssssshhhhh him or patting his back and telling him "go back to sleep, everything is ok, etc). Sometimes he doesn't even want us to touch him and moves his arms up and down trying to avoid our contact. We don't feed him and he goes back to sleep in 10 - 15 mins. He was waking up once or two times, but since last week he has started waking up multiple times (4 or 5)
Here is how his daily routine looks like:
6:45 - 7ish - Wake up and feed (bottle - 8 oz)
8:30am breakfast
10:30am mid morning snack
Noon - Nap (hi only nap fpr the day, 2 hours)
2pm - Lunch
4;00pm mid afternoon snack
7:30 bath
8 - bedtime (and feed bottle - 8 ozs)
PS: yes, he goes to bed with his bottle, drinks it and falls asleep. But he has been doing this forever and never affected him. I know I have to change this at sme point...
Now my question is, what should we do when he wakes up?
? I have been checking tracy's book but it's not really clear to me how to approach this issue so I can teach my son how to get back to sleep on his own. I am not sure that I am doing things correctly.
No need to mention how affected we are by this sleep situation, we cannot rest properly and it's really driving us insane. It has also started to affect us as a couple, since we are extremely tired and have arguments over almost everything..
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks in advance,