Hi Everyone,
this might get a little long!!! I am new to this site, it was recommended by someone at the Todays Parent chat forums. Frogive me if the answer I am looking for is posted elsewhere, I'm not sure where to start looking. I have read Secrets of the Baby Whispered (pre-baby!) but think I need some help!!
I have an active 11 month old baby boy. I am still nursing (have tried to wean and it didn't go well). Sometime ago we got into the routine of nursing to sleep. It's worked well until now, and I don't know how to fix it. I am returning to work in approx a month. My son is till waking up through the night to eat. I have been getting up and nursing him since he's a little on the small side, though the doctor assures me he is healthy and there is nothing to worry about. I'm at the point though where I am starting to realize I can't do this and work full time. I'm exhausted now!! The other issue is that recently (over the past several nights) he has been waking up sometime between 12am-2am and staying awake for two hours. He doesn't seem to be in any discomfort, he just wants to play and nurse. As you can imagine, playing at 2 am is not high on my priority list!! I've been reading about people using pu/pd, but am not sure what this is. I can't find it in my baby whisperer book.
Here is our current schedule (which is fairly consistent):
6:15-6:30 wake up (sometimes nurse)
7:30 breakfast followed by play time
9 am: nurse to sleep for first nap. Usually sleeps 1 hr and 15 min
10:30: snack time followed by going out to park, run errands, go swimming etc
12 pm: lunch
1:00: nurse to sleep for second nap, usually 1 hr and 15 mins
2:30: snack time followed by playtime, going out for walk etc
5pm: dinner
5:45: bathtime
6:30: bedtime snack (Mom and Dad eat their dinner)
7:15: kisses for Daddy, play special bedtime song and nurse to sleep
2-3 am: wake up to nurse (until recently would eat for about 15 min then back to sleep)
5 am: wake up to nurse and back to sleep
So here are my questions:
Should I expect my son to be able to go to sleep between 7-8 pm and sleep through the night until 6-7 am with out being fed or is this too long for his age? Does he need the feedings?
How do I help him sleep through the night without the wake ups?
How do I break the nursing to sleep habit (or should I even be breaking it)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Tabitha