Author Topic: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?  (Read 1089 times)

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5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« on: July 19, 2007, 04:30:37 am »
Ten days ago I started my 5 month old daughter on 4hr EASY. Before that she was on a 3 hr routine and slept through the night since 12 weeks old.  Since I never did a dream feed I was nervous about going from feeding very 3hrs to 4hrs because I that would bring her to feedind only 4 times per 24 hrs. But I did it anyway because she seemed to be just snacking on some of her feeds and her naps were getting really short. Now her day time sleep is much better (even though she still wakes 45 min after being put down for a nap it's been getting easier and easier to get her to get back to sleep and sometimes she doesnt' wake up at all) her night time sleep has gotten worst. She slept through the night from about 7:30-8pm to 7:30am since she was 12 weeks old and now since starting 4hr EASY 2 weeks ago every other night or so she cries. A couple of times I just waited and she just had one cry and went back to sleep, but usually I have to go in and give her a pacifier, then she'll go back to sleep. Last night was really bad though and she was on and off asleep for almost 2hrs. I haven't given her a feeding during those night wakings, I dont want to start a habit so I just try the pacifier first and see if it works, which usually does. So I dont think it's hunger, and she has started taking more per bottle during the day since going on 4hr routine. She drinks about 8oz now per feed and she's only in the 25% for weight. So I'm really not sure why she's waking up and crying out, I'm really nervous about it and worried that it will get worse. Can someone please advice me on how to proceed? She never used to do cry at night and now I don't know why it's happening. Am I reinforcing the habit by giving her the pacifier? She always falls asleep with a pacifir at bedtime but never cried for it in th middle of the night until now. Thanks!

Offline Layla

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 05:37:25 am »
Hi there. Could you please tell me what her daytime scehdule looks like. How many naps, when & how long & what time is bedtime???

Well some babies can become dependant on the paci so it is a possibility that if she needs it now to get back to sleep, its a prop. I wouldn't be giving it to her straight away. Have you tired other ways to settle her? shh/pat??? Does she need the paci to get to sleep for naps? Or do you have to give it back to her at the 45min mark to get her back to sleep/extend the nap???

Sorry for all the q's
Layla :)

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Offline minismom

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2007, 06:42:39 am »
Thanks for replying.

Here's her schedule:
7:30am - wake up and feed
9:30 - nap
11:30 - wake up and feed
1:30 - nap
3:30 - wake up and feed
5 or 5:30 - catnap (crib or stroller, depending on how other naps went) for about 30min
6:30 - bath
7pm - feed
7:40 - bedtime (we read books to separate bottle from bed)

Before each nap I change her diaper, hold her for a couple of minutes, put her in the crib, read a book, turn on her mobile and close the curtains while the mobile is playing. I then give her the pacifier and walk away. I tried a few different rituals but found this to e bext because she never cries when I put her down this way. After I walk away she'll move around for a little bit and I usually go back when she seems ready to sleep to replace the pacifier. Keep in mind that I have a clear path from her bedroom door to the headboard of her crib so I go behind her so she doesn't see me. Sometimes all it takes is replacing the pacifier a few times and she'll fall right asleep. Sometimes I have to sh/pat and hold her hands a little (I don't swaddle because I just never did and she is now used to sleeping with her hands up above her hand - when she's flailing too much I'll hold her arms down and oat her shoulder, that gets her calm right away). The same thing at bedtime. I know Tracy says to do the bath after the bottle but I've done it bath first since she was born so I think I shouldn't change it now.

This is her schedule that I started 2 1/2 weeks ago. She was on a 3hr routine before that and I didn't know I was supposed to adjust at 4 months and only started looking for help when she started refusing to take the afternoon nap and the morning nap got shorter, bedtime difficult, etc. Then I found Tracy's book and transitioned her to the 4hr routine, staring July 2nd. Because she had already gotten in the habit of taking 45min naps it's been hard to extend her naps. I started giving the paci back to her to extend her naps. I only had to do PU/PD the first couple of days and after that just sh/pat. Each day it'd take less time to get her back to sleep and on some random naps she'd go the 2hr straight. The best progress was these past 3 days: on Monday she slept 2 hrs straight in the am, Tuesday she woke up but went right back to sleep once I put the paci and today she slept 2hrs straight. The afternoon is a little harder, she sometimes wakes up and start playing with her feet, doesn't necessarily cries but eventually starts to moan a lot. But anyway, it's been easier to put her down and her daytime sleep has definitely improved. She does need the pacifier to first go to sleep at night and at bedtime. When I changed her schedule I considered eliminating the paci but since she always slept all night after it falls out I didn't think it was a prop and decided to let her keep it.
The night waking started on July 2nd, the first day I started 4hr easy. She cried at 11:30pm and I was sure she was hungry since she had had one less feeding that day. But I gave her a pacifier and then went to get a bottle ready but she just fell back to sleep. The next night she didn't wake up and I thought i was in the clear, but then a couple of nights later she cried again. I always wait a little before going in and a few time she went back to sleep on her own. There was also one time I saw her awake on the video monitor, eyes opened and with hiccups but she wasn't crying so I didn't go in and about half an hour later saw that she put herself to sleep. So I know she can do it and wasn't hungry or she would have cried. But most nights when she cried she doesn't stop so I have to go in. Usually first thing I do is give her the pacifier and she usually goes right back to sleep. So it's not a major problem for me except I don't want to reinforce it and make it worse. One night she actually took a long time to fall back asleep and cried again and the next day she looked really tired. I haven't tried getting her to sleep without giving the pacifier. Should I do sh/pat? But won't that create a habit to? Btw, the wakings are at random times.

One more thing. I also started her on formula the day after I started her on easy. I knew I should do two changes at once but I didn't have a choice. She used to have only breastmilk, sometimes on breast and other in a bottle. I then started giving her one bottle of formula a day and now she's having 2, which is half of all her feedings. She seems to have adapted well except last week she didn't poop from Wed til Monday, and after that big poop on Monday she hasn't pooped again. It looked normal when it came out though, but she had to strain a lot when she was doing it. I'm not sure she could be having some kind of belly ache at night...

Anyway, I wrote too much... I hope this helps you get an idea of the situation. What do you think I should do if she wakes up again tonight?

Offline Layla

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2007, 07:57:43 am »
Shh/pat can't be a prop (as long as you are not shushing & patting them to sleep). Its a teaching tool so rather than giving her the paci straight away (which can become a problem because she might think that needs it to get back to sleep) try shh/pat. Is the paci something you want to wean or are you happy to keep it?

If the night wakings are random, that can indicate hunger & its not uncommon for babies at this age to be doing 1 (or sometimes 2) night feeds but I can understand if she has not needed to be fed before, you don't want to start feeding her now. Do you think she might be going through a growth spurt? When you settle her with a paci, how long before she wakes again? If the paci only buys 1hr then that could indicate hunger.

Formula - this can certainly be related to the nightwakings. Formula is heavier than BM & can cause some discomfort. Do you give her water during the day? You might also try some prune juice (dluted) to her her bowel movements.

If she is taking 2-2hr naps & a catnap, it might be that she is having too much daytime sleep. I would try cutting 15mins off the morning & afternoon nap to start with. The av A time for a 5mo is 2-2.25hrs so you could still keep naps at 9:30-11:15, 1:30-3:15 & 5:30 for 30mins.

Let me know what you think

Paci -

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline minismom

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2007, 15:32:09 pm »
Hi Layla, thanks again for your help. This last night she didn't wake up, so I didn't have a chance to try sh/pat. In response to what you said here are my thoughts.
Even though the waking is sporadic I don't think it's hunger because once I give her the pacifier she sleeps til morning, and sometimes she wakes as early as 11pm or midnight, so I don't think she'd then sleep another 7hrs if she had been hungry. Only once she woke up again an hour later after I gave her the paci, and then after that she went back to sleep from 4am and I had to wake her at 7:45am cause she was still sound asleep. Also, I offer her a lot of milk/formula during the day. When I breastfeed and I don't think she sucked long enough I offer her 2oz of formula right after (started doing this when she went from 5 to  feeds per day) and when she has a whole bottle of formula I always make sure she stops when she's full and not because the bottle is empty. I don't think she could have anymore than she has now, unless I add a night feed. So that's why I don't think it's hunger. Do you agree?
About too much daytime sleep. I will look at my notes and see if I see a pattern of her waking up at night on days that she got more sleep during the day, she actually didn't have her catnap yesterday and she didnt wake up at night. But we're still working on extending her naps so on most days she doesn't actually get 2 2hr naps plus a catnap. Yesterday for instance she had 2 full hrs in the am nap but in the afternoon she woke up a few times in the middle of the nap and didn't get much sleep overall. I'd happily give up the catnap if she's taking good am and pm naps and doesnt seem too tired, but I just recently started keeping her up 2hrs at a time and she was very tired at first so I don't think she could go longer for now. Some days she really seems to need her catnap, she looks very tired.
So that leaves the formula. I guess that could be it. I first started giving her one bottle a day and she was still pooping normaly and that's when the night waking started. Only a week later after I started giving her 2 bottles a day (which is half of her total feeds) she started having difficulties pooping, so that's why I didn't see a connection. But I suppose she could have been having belly aches all along. I've never given her water, bu I'm thinking of trying today if she doesn't poop.
Please let me know what you think about all this. Thanks!

Offline Layla

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2007, 22:49:51 pm »
Quote (selected)
Even though the waking is sporadic I don't think it's hunger because once I give her the pacifier she sleeps til morning, and sometimes she wakes as early as 11pm or midnight, so I don't think she'd then sleep another 7hrs if she had been hungry. Only once she woke up again an hour later after I gave her the paci, and then after that she went back to sleep from 4am and I had to wake her at 7:45am cause she was still sound asleep. Also, I offer her a lot of milk/formula during the day. When I breastfeed and I don't think she sucked long enough I offer her 2oz of formula right after (started doing this when she went from 5 to  feeds per day) and when she has a whole bottle of formula I always make sure she stops when she's full and not because the bottle is empty. I don't think she could have anymore than she has now, unless I add a night feed. So that's why I don't think it's hunger. Do you agree?
Absolutely!!! If she was truly hungry, the paci would not work for the remainder of the night. The paci only buys 1hr or so if they are hungry

Quote (selected)
About too much daytime sleep. I will look at my notes and see if I see a pattern of her waking up at night on days that she got more sleep during the day, she actually didn't have her catnap yesterday and she didnt wake up at night. But we're still working on extending her naps so on most days she doesn't actually get 2 2hr naps plus a catnap. Yesterday for instance she had 2 full hrs in the am nap but in the afternoon she woke up a few times in the middle of the nap and didn't get much sleep overall. I'd happily give up the catnap if she's taking good am and pm naps and doesnt seem too tired, but I just recently started keeping her up 2hrs at a time and she was very tired at first so I don't think she could go longer for now. Some days she really seems to need her catnap, she looks very tired.
I wouldnt be getting rid of the catnap yet. You could try 15mins less in the morning to see if she will sleep more soundly in the pm. If she can only manage 2hrs for now, don't push her.

Quote (selected)
So that leaves the formula. I guess that could be it. I first started giving her one bottle a day and she was still pooping normaly and that's when the night waking started. Only a week later after I started giving her 2 bottles a day (which is half of her total feeds) she started having difficulties pooping, so that's why I didn't see a connection. But I suppose she could have been having belly aches all along. I've never given her water, bu I'm thinking of trying today if she doesn't poop.
I think that might be it too. I do think that water is important especially if they are constipated. I've found this link

Have you thought about pumping & giving her EBM instead of formula (as well as boosting your supply)? You could then go on to just BF rather than both? Is supplimenting something that you want to do or were you worried about her not getting enough?

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Offline minismom

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2007, 23:38:14 pm »
I think that might be it too. I do think that water is important especially if they are constipated. I've found this link

Have you thought about pumping & giving her EBM instead of formula (as well as boosting your supply)? You could then go on to just BF rather than both? Is supplimenting something that you want to do or were you worried about her not getting enough?

I gave her some water today when she woke up from the afternoon nap and was arching her back. She was wide awake, it was so annoying, she's been doing this the last 3 days. Funny the same 3 days she's been doing great with the morning nap. But I guess waking up like that is better than waking up crying which is what she was doing before. I still haven't been able to get more than 45min straight out of her in the afternoon. She does looks sleep and falls asleep quickly when I first put her down. Anyway, I gave her water and at first she only took about 1/4oz and refused the rest, started crying. She got fussy so I put her back to sleep and she slept another 20min. Just now (I'm on the West Coast) an hour later there was some poop in her diaper. Not much, but progress.
I used to pump and feed her ebm in a bottle. Problem is I recently moved and didn't pump enough for a week and then my supply went down a little. I could have kept it going but I'm going out of town next week without her and because I had to use up from my stash I then didn't have enough to feed her the whole time I'll be away. So I had to start her on formula a couple of weeks before I went. I'm still Bfedding twice a day and pump after the feed. When I get back I'll start giving her more EBM but for now I had to get her used to the formula. And right now all the ebm I have left is frozen and she doesn't like the taste, it's soapy. She used to drink it fine but recently if I try to give her she'll moan through the whole bottle. And that was before I started her on formula, I can't imagine she'll want it now. While I'm away I'll have my in-laws give her formula mixed with the thawed milk to disguise the taste and at least she gets some ebm.
I'll let you know if it gets better with the water! I'm so nervous about her waking at night with my in-laws here because I worry they'll pick her up right away and rock her or something... Such bad timing...
Thanks so much for your help!

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Re: 5 month old started waking at night - what to do?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2007, 23:51:35 pm »
Oh I know what you mean about in-laws ::). Still she is your baby & you have the right to ask for no rocking, etc...

Good luck. Please keep me posted :)

20/06/2012 - my angel baby