Hello all,
Just wondering this as my DD always becomes fussy between 4 - 6 am, after 6 she'll settle down again and sleep through till 7 or 8...and this has been like this since about 2 months. In Tracy's book, it says that between 4 and 5 months they start sleeping 10 to 12 hours a night, which in my case would mean till 8 or even 10...but off course, you never know and every baby is different, I was just wondering if this 4 - 6 am fussiness is down to her age and she will (hopefully) grow out of it soon or is it something I do? I dont wake her, talk to her, just pop in the dummy and away she goes again, sometimes only once but sometimes as much as 5 times, leaving me bleary eyed with sleep...
Is it their size that makes them sleep through or the fact that they're eating more and some solids? Mine eats 5 x 180cc with 1 bottle with a TS of cereal. DF is never completely finished, she'l drink about 60 cc so I thought maybe thats why she becomes fussy. Funny thing is, when she is fussy, she's fast asleep but very restless..
Maybe you have some good tips or thoughts or experiences?
Many thanks, Laura